This class was created by Brainscape user Abby Burns. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Intro to Green Building & Sustainablity
What happens during the occupancy...,
What happens during the design co...,
What happens during the discovery...
77  cards
USGB & Its Programs
When where was the usgbc founded,
To transform the ways buildings a...,
Usgbc s vision
41  cards
Green Building Certification Program
Leed categorizes projects under _...,
What is the first requirement a p...,
What are the minimum program requ...
120  cards
Integrative Process
How many points are rewarded for ...,
To earn the integrative process c...,
What is the intent of the integra...
16  cards
Location & Transportation
Does the lt categories have any p...,
What is smart growth,
What is undeveloped land referred...
98  cards
Sustainable Sites
A team can conduct an assessment ...,
What is a building footprint,
What is a development footprint
82  cards
Water Efficiency
How many total points can be earn...,
How many prerequisites does the w...,
What are the credit categorizes f...
58  cards
Energy & Atmosphere
How many total points can be earn...,
How many prerequisites does the e...,
What are the credit categorizes f...
164  cards
Materials & Resources
How many total points can be earn...,
How many prerequisites does the m...,
What are the credit categorizes f...
92  cards
Indoor Environmental Quality
How many total points can be earn...,
How many prerequisites does the i...,
What are the credit categorizes f...
77  cards
How many total points can be earn...,
How many prerequisites does the i...,
What are the credit categorizes f...
10  cards
Regional Priority
How many total points can be earn...,
How many prerequisites does the r...,
Regional priority credits are ide...
4  cards

More about
leed ga

  • Class purpose General learning

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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