This class was created by Brainscape user Samuel Steensland. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Aircraft General
The danger area surrounding the r...,
The windshields are constructed of,
A coating is applied to the winds...
25  cards
Electrical System
Max continuous amperage of the en...,
The 2 main batteries and emergenc...,
Each engine has a n which provide...
41  cards
The apu is limited to only,
The apu provides and,
What 3 things will automatically ...
17  cards
Master Caution and Warning
The takeoff inhibit system activa...,
The landing inhibit system activa...,
Which 7 things will trigger a tak...
8  cards
External/Internal Lighting
With the emergency lights armed w...,
Once activated the emergency ligh...,
The overhead light is powered by ...
5  cards
The magenta n1 bugs must match wi...,
Max itt during engine start is,
Engine synch must be off during 3
34  cards
Thrust Reversers
The white rev display above the n...,
Can the trs be used in man mode,
Pressing the closes the tr isolat...
8  cards
Flight Controls
The rudder is moved by,
The auto pilot yaw dampener and r...,
Depressing either control wheel m...
33  cards
The 5 systems that are hydraulica...,
What 4 things can the auxiliary h...,
What does an illuminated brush li...
13  cards
Gear and Brakes
Max speed with gear extended and ...,
Max speed for gear operation,
Main landing gear tire limit spee...
18  cards
The pneumatic air system uses bot...,
At low power settings the pneumat...,
At higher power settings the pneu...
11  cards
Which anti ice system s use high ...,
Icing conditions can occur when t...,
An amber ice detected cas msg means
7  cards
Air Conditioning
The produces cold air,
In the event of a total electrica...,
How is heated conditioned air cre...
8  cards
In the event of a total electrica...,
An amber lr cab press fail cas ms...,
With the amber lr cab press fail ...
9  cards
What 2 cockpit indications will y...,
Passenger oxygen masks automatica...,
To determine the minimum oxygen q...
7  cards
2 large red x s on du 3 and du 4 ...,
Failure of the left ic 600 is ind...,
In the event of an ic 600 failure...
24  cards
Fuel System
Sppr pressure is,
During sppr the precheck should s...,
True or falseonce the engines are...
10  cards
Fire Protection
During the fire detect test what ...,
What cas messages should you see ...,
What happens when you push the fi...
6  cards
Approved oils can be found,
Approved fuels can be found,
Part 91 wet landing data is found
10  cards
Weight and Balance
Which direction will the cg shift...,
True of falseon the ground with 5...,
Adding fuel moves the cg
4  cards
The lear 45 is certified in accor...,
Icing conditions exist on the gro...,
Max ramp weight
15  cards
Airspeed Limits
The definition of maneuvering spe...
11  cards
Operational Limits/Requirements
Max pressure altitude for takeoff...,
Max tailwind component for takeof...,
Required runway conditions for ta...
13  cards
System Limits
What are the limits pertaining to...,
Ahrs 1 2 must be in prior to takeoff,
Do not intentionally the autopilot
18  cards
Powerplant Limits
What type of engine in on the lea...,
The engines must be operated at a...,
Max itts
8  cards
Fuel Limits
Are you allowed to mix fuel types,
Approved fuel types are 4,
Sppr is limited to psi and de fue...
4  cards
APU Limits
Can the apu be on for takeoff,
Is there a max pressure altitude ...,
Apu operation is prohibited during 3
8  cards
Memory Items
Cabin cockpit fire smoke or fumes,
Loss of both generators and both ...,
Emergency descent
22  cards
Standard Power Settings
250kts clean above 10 000,
Steep turns at 15 000,
Iap flaps up gear up 180 200kts
12  cards
Preflight System Checks
Preflight system checkfire det,
Preflight system checkgear,
Preflight system checklights
7  cards

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lear 45

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