law- paper 3 section b

This class was created by Brainscape user Madison Larnach. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What are the 4 things that fall u...
1  cards
Invitation to treat
What is invitation to treat diffe...,
What is an invitation to treat,
What is a party doing in itt
9  cards
What must a valid contract contain,
What is an offer,
Who is an offer made by
30  cards
What is acceptance,
If a yes if followed by but or if...,
Can silence amount to acceptance
25  cards
Intention to create legal relations
When is the only time where a con...,
How is itlr assessed,
What is the typical intention wit...
21  cards
When should consideration be cons...,
What case would you use for when ...,
What did lord dunedin state in th...
21  cards
What is the rule of privity,
What occurs when there is a chain...,
What case would you use for chain...
20  cards
Formation evaluation
0  cards
What is a representation,
What are representations typically,
What are the 4 factors the court ...
10  cards
Expressed and implied terms
What is an expressed term,
What can expressed terms be,
What is an implied term
17  cards
Consumer rights act 2015
What section does supply of goods...,
What does s9 state about goods,
How are the satisfactory goods of...
35  cards
Types of terms
What are the 3 types of terms,
Why is it to identify the type of...,
Why is a condition so important
12  cards
Exclusion and limitation clauses
What are exclusion clauses,
What are limitation clauses,
What are the 3 common law control...
35  cards
What is vitiating,
When will misrepresentation occur,
What are misrepresentations
45  cards
Economic duress
What is the definition of economi...,
What case states that commercial ...,
What are the 3 things the pressur...
10  cards
What is discharge,
What are the 3 ways that a contra...,
What is performance
45  cards

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law- paper 3 section b

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