latin america history

This class was created by Brainscape user Ellen Goncales. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Latin America in the Mid-Twentieth Century as depicted by Chasteen
What were the 1950s a time of for...,
What country replaced europe as m...,
How did the united state s relati...
16  cards
Chasteen's Interpretation of the Cuban Revolution
What perspective did latin americ...,
What actually brought the rise of...,
What about marxism was appealing ...
30  cards
The Foco Theroy and Cuban efforts to export the revolution
What did che guevara develop,
How did che think revolutionary c...,
What were focos
6  cards
- Chasteen explanation of the National Security Doctrine
Who were the most important antic...,
What did the working alliance bet...,
What was the emphasis of us training
13  cards
Rodolfo Walsh’s “Open Letter to the Military Junta”
Who was rodolfo walsh,
What was walsh s letter to the mi...,
What does walsh say are the naked...
15  cards
“Laying Out a Case for Deporting”
What has the law done,
What is the reasoning behind the ...,
What will the ranks of the deport...
11  cards
Liberation Theology According to Chasten
How did religious revolutionaries...,
Where did these revolutionaries t...,
What did freire believe
15  cards
- Chasteen’s description of neoliberalism and the “Brick” (Economic Underpinnings of Dictatorship)
What did the breakup of the sovie...,
What did capitalism become
29  cards
- Non-economic impacts of neoliberalism (cultural, environmental, political)
1  cards
Basic Facts about the Cold War
What was the cold war a rivalry b...,
What was the cold a stalemate of,
What did the americans fear
7  cards

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latin america history

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