This class was created by Brainscape user Leisla Bernal Avila. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Week 2
How do we assess muscle function,
Manual muscle testing is usedhow ...,
Manual muscle testing scores go from
68  cards
Week 3
What is 1 gait cycle,
During walking stance phase is,
During walking swing phase is
29  cards
Week 4
Which of the following is not nee...,
How many cameras minimum are need...,
The entire biomechanics lab from ...
27  cards
Week 5
The very first angle at the begin...,
The peak angle and the angle at i...,
Angular excursion is the total ra...
35  cards
Kahoot Questions Exam 1
The ability to achieve full rom a...,
The type of dynamometry testing c...,
Goniometry only test muscle or li...
20  cards
Week 7
How do we measure ground reaction...,
What directions can force plates ...,
What is the most commonly analyse...
42  cards
Week 8
What is the normal range for impa...,
What is the normal range for acti...,
What is the normal range for load...
43  cards
Week 9
You can measure muscle force with...,
In general what does muscle force...,
What is electrical activity measu...
47  cards
Week 11
What can be measured cheaply in f...,
What is expensive to do in field,
What are some wearable sensors
29  cards
Week 13
What are some kinematic risk fact...,
What are some kinetic risk factor...,
When was the first modern running...
33  cards
Week 14
When does a acl tear most often o...,
What are the biomechanics of an a...,
What is the sex bias in acl tearswhy
36  cards
Week 15
Virtual reality is,
How did the nintendo wii improve ...,
What is caren system
19  cards

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kin 147

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Leisla Bernal Avila's Kin 147 flashcards for their San Jose State University class now!

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