This class was created by Brainscape user Devin Cooper. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Module 1: An Overview of Ethics
Key terms
19  cards
Module 2: Ethics for IT Workers and IT Users
A document that stipulates restri...,
A group that provides assistance ...,
An agreed upon sets of skills and...
34  cards
Module 11: AI Ethics and A Brief Introduction to Morality
Identify and explain the three co...,
List the five defined measurement...,
List the five defined measurement...
13  cards
Module 4: Privacy
A wide ranging act that authorize...,
The first 10 amendments to the un...,
An act implemented in 1998 in an ...
43  cards
Module 6: Intellectual Property
An agreement of the world trade o...,
The exclusive right to distribute...,
A violation of the rights secured...
24  cards
Module 5: Freedom of Expression
The expression of opinions by peo...,
A service that allows anonymity o...,
Laws designed to reduce frivolous...
20  cards
Module 7: Ethical Decisions in Software Development
When an organization decides to a...,
A software development methodolog...,
The estimated loss from a potenti...
45  cards
Module 8: "The Impact of Information Technology on Society"
The people procedures hardware so...,
A process and a set of tools desi...,
A system that enables physicians ...
17  cards
Module 9: Social Media
One of the two common methods of ...,
Any form of mistreatment or lack ...,
One of the two common methods of ...
13  cards
Module 10: Ethics of IT Organizations
A employment situation in which t...,
A job situation in which an indiv...,
A business arrangement in which a...
17  cards

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key terms

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