jnd317 ship design (regulations)

This class was created by Brainscape user Leo Jenn Huei. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1.1 Certification and Documentation
How can the ship s master obtain ...,
List 12 basic certificates requir...,
List 12 basic documents required ...
18  cards
1.1 Certification and Documentation (Challenge Questions)
Apart from the basic certificates...,
List the additional certificates ...,
List the additional certificates ...
36  cards
1.2 Loadline Convention
What is the purpose of having loa...,
What is the general applicability...,
List the five categories of vesse...
22  cards
1.2 Loadline Convention (Challenge Questions)
Find the difference between the m...,
List the 2 criteria under which a...,
Describe the circumstances under ...
19  cards
What is the objectives of solas,
To which all vessel does solas apply,
To which all vessels do solas not...
22  cards
1.3 SOLAS (Challenge Questions)
List the information required to ...,
List the information required to ...,
When is the master of a ship rele...
8  cards
Q what is meant by the terms part...,
Q to which all vessels do marpol ...,
Q to which all vessels do marpol ...
29  cards
1.4 MARPOL (Challenge Questions)
What is the significance of 1st j...,
What is the obligation of the mas...,
What is the discharge criteria fo...
6  cards
1.5 Health Regulations
0  cards
1.5 Health Regulations (Challenge Questions)
0  cards
1.6 FAL And MLC
0  cards
1.6 FAL And MLC (Challenge Questions)
0  cards
1.7 BWM And PSC
What are the contents of the ball...
1  cards
1.7 BWM And PSC (Challenge Questions)
How will the psc inspector check ...
1  cards

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jnd317 ship design (regulations)

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