This class was created by Brainscape user Sheryll Kamat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

When does structural vs functiona...,
Where do primordial germ cells mi...,
What are the 3 sources of gonad d...
44  cards
4.1: Hormonal control of repro and menstruation
Which axis is crucial to producin...,
Where does the anterior pituitary...,
What is the difference in functio...
49  cards
4.2: Puberty and Menopause
When are the primary sexual chara...,
When are secondary sexual charact...,
What is the specific sequencing o...
29  cards
5.1: Coitus and Fertilisation
How many days does it take for sp...,
What is an additional role of the...,
What are the three regions of the...
37  cards
5.2: Infertility and Contraception
Define coitus interruptus,
Name three methods of natural con...,
Define vasectomy other than it be...
35  cards
Clinical anatomy of female repro tract
Name two major purposes of the ovary,
Name the four parts of the uterus...,
Where is the vesicouterine and re...
35  cards
Clinical anatomy of male repro tract
Define the following terms a sper...,
Describe how the testis attains s...,
What is an inguinal hernia descri...
43  cards
6.1: Placenta
How long can the embryo grow in v...,
What are the two main functions o...,
What is the role of the following...
39  cards
6.2: Physiological adaptations in pregnancy
What red flags would you be looki...,
What are you looking for in an an...,
What would you check for in an an...
37  cards
Describe the relationship between...,
Prostaglandin synthesis increases...,
When does the first stage of labo...
41  cards
7.1: Fetal Growth and Development
Define the fetal period and when ...,
How long are the following stages...,
Describe the development and grow...
40  cards
7.1: Fetal Physiology
What do the physiological functio...,
Describe how oxygen reaches the f...,
Name 4 factors that contribute to...
32  cards
9.1: Breastfeeding and Human Lactation
How does the weight of the mammar...,
Describe how milk is released fro...,
What draws milk into the baby s m...
43  cards
9.2: Breast Disease
Name five clinical presentations ...,
Describe the different types of p...,
Name three causes for a palpable ...
46  cards
10.1: Infections of the Repro Tract
Name three ways reproductive trac...,
What are the four most common cur...,
How have the rates of stis change...
57  cards
10.2: PID
What causes pid,
Name six diseases complications t...,
What is another name for parametr...
27  cards
11.1: Gynaecological Tumours
Where does neoplasm of the cervix...,
When does cervical screening star...,
What are the potential precursor ...
57  cards
11.2: Male genital tract tumours
What are the three main tumours t...,
Name the three zones of the prost...,
What are corpora amylaceae are th...
39  cards

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jess repro

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