jaspie - anatomy (topnotch supplement)

This class was created by Brainscape user Jasper Viloria. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (71)

Lateral visceral,
Lateral abdominal,
Terminal branches
5  cards
Branches to the lower limb that l...,
Branches to the pelvis muscles pe...,
Supplies the skin on the lower me...
15  cards
Fetal structures,
Adult structures
4  cards
Posterior Chest Wall
Rib fracture on right side right ...
1  cards
Lateral Chest Wall
To evacuate air fluid from pleura...,
To relieve pain from rib fracture...
2  cards
Anterior Chest Wall
Distal to left subclavian artery ...,
Less common proximal to ductus ar...,
From deceleration aorta tears jus...
8  cards
Between breast pectoral deep fasc...,
For support extends from dermis t...,
For contour size
14  cards
L upper lobe superior anterior co...,
Bronchopulmonary segment contains...,
Ghon complex enlarged ln parenchy...
10  cards
Tracheobrachial Tree
Shorter wider shallower angle 3 l...,
2 lobar bronchi upper lower 8 10 ...,
Clinical considerations of trache...
10  cards
Adheres to all surface of the lun...,
Adheres to crest wall diaphragm p...,
Associated with the internal surf...
15  cards
Depends through the mediastinum l...,
Recess between the great arteries...,
Recess of pericardial cavity ends...
32  cards
Paracentesis midline approach,
Paracentesis frank approach,
Level of umbilicus
32  cards
Inguinal Region
Oval opening in transversalis fas...,
Triangular opening in external ob...,
Begins from deep to superficial i...
19  cards
Forms from 90 clockwise rotation ...,
Connection between lesser greater...,
Extends from diaphragm to pelvis ...
10  cards
Abdominal Aorta COPY
L1 supplies the midgut ie lower p...,
Testes or ovaries
15  cards
Runs from pharynx to thorax throu...,
Smooth muscle functional sphincte...,
May constrict the esophagus
13  cards
Functions of the neck femur,
Head of the femur may undergo avs...,
Obturator artery supplies a small...
9  cards
All sole muscles innervated by la...,
Blood vessels common iliac,
Blood vessels dorsalis pedis arte...
17  cards
Peroneus vs tibialis muscle,
Anterior compartment,
Posterior compartment
10  cards
2 layered supports hollow viscous...,
2 layered connects viscera to eac...,
Connects the stomach with other v...
11  cards
Two contnuous layers of peritoneum,
Lining the internal surface of th...,
Investing organs viscera
8  cards
Bitemporal hemianopsia pituitary ...,
Right nasak hemianopsia aneurysm ...,
Left homonymous hemianopsia vascular
4  cards
Located in the ventral part of th...,
Located at the ventral border of ...,
Located beneath the facial collic...
4  cards
Muscles that opens the jaw,
Branches of facial nerve,
Geniculate ganglion gives rise to
14  cards
Divisble into right and left halv...,
Tongue is attached to,
Parts and surfaces of the tongue
18  cards
Organization of the basal nuclei,
Refers to the interconnected nucl...
2  cards
Csf pressure and composition of d...,
For csf analysis measure csf pres...,
Inflammation of the meninges caus...
6  cards
Csf flow,
Clear colorless fluid produced ma...,
Csf functions
5  cards
Language functinon is involved mo...,
Failure to recognize objects visu...,
Can see object but cannot identif...
9  cards
Coordination of voluntary movements,
Maintain coordination of limb mov...,
Responsible for coordination of t...
7  cards
Functional areas,
Frontal lobe,
Parietal lobe
14  cards
The point of meeting and articula...,
Skull fracture at pterion
32  cards
Ligaments ankle joint,
Nerve supply of ankle joint,
Movement of ankle joint
5  cards
Articulation knee joint,
Between femur and tibia,
Between patella and femur
19  cards
Cardia near ge junction fundus ab...,
Congenital ssx projectile nonbilo...,
Rapid emptying of hyperosmotic st...
5  cards
Just above the pelvic diaphragm g...,
Contains 3 transverse rectal fold...,
Blood supply of rectus
15  cards
Sigmoid Colon
Between descending colon and rect...,
Presence of diverticula pouches o...,
Examination of sigmoid colon rect...
5  cards
Cranial Nerves
Cn i discharge of csf from the no...,
Middle cranial fossa,
Posterior cranial fossa
5  cards
Parotid Glands
Enters the parotid gland after em...,
Facial nerve cn vii divides into,
Innervated the muscles of facial ...
14  cards
Parathyroid Gland
Location posterior surface of the...,
Location more variable usually on...,
Arterial blood supply
6  cards
Lower Extremities
Regions of lower extremity,
Fascial compartments thigh,
Flexors of the thigh extensors of...
23  cards
Pear shaped sac lying on the infe...,
Cystohepatic triangle,
Boundaries of triangle of calot
30  cards
Dome shaped anterior superior and...,
Remnant of umbilical vein between...
33  cards
Expanded part is embraced by the ...,
Short and overlies the superior m...,
To the left of sma and smv
18  cards
Jejunum & Ileum & Large Intestine
Distal 3 5 ends at the ileocecal ...,
6 7 meters long,
Blood supply of jejunum ileum
15  cards
First and shortest part of the sm...,
Blood supply of duodenum,
Venous drainage of duodenum
12  cards
Anatomical snuff box,
Exhibit pain and tenderness local...,
Most commonly dislocated carpal b...
13  cards
Fall on the shoulder or outstretc...,
A supracondylar fracture of the h...,
Axillary nerve may be affected an...
11  cards
0  cards
Thyroid Gland
Blood supply for inferior thyroid,
Venous drainage for superior thyroid,
Venous drainage for middle thyroid
17  cards
Brachial Plexus
Muscles in the anterior arm anter...,
Muscles in the posterior arm and ...,
Branches of the brachial plexus r...
34  cards
Triangles of the Neck
Supraclavicular occipital,
Anterior belly of digastric muscl...,
Anterior posterior bellies of dig...
7  cards
Hip & Gluteal Region
Head of femur lies anterior to th...,
Due to severe trauma flexed knee ...,
Most common site just distal to t...
11  cards
Female Reproductive System
Attachment to the lateral pelvic ...,
Surface is covered by simple cubo...,
Blood supply of ovaries
44  cards
Retroperitoneal lie on the ventra...,
Any fat outside the perirenal space,
Structures in renal hilus anterio...
25  cards
Ankle & Foot Region
From medial malleolus of the tibi...,
Form lateral malleolus of the fib...,
Ankle talocrural joint contains t...
12  cards
Knee Region
Struck to elicit the knee jerk re...,
From medial epicondyle of the fem...,
From lateral epicondyle of the fe...
10  cards
Lumbosacral Plexus
6 major terminal branches,
Most common injury affecting the ...,
Anterior compartment of thigh qua...
9  cards
Wrist & Hand Region
Between metacarpals proximal phal...,
Between proximal middle phalanges...,
Between middle distal phalanges f...
12  cards
Elbow Region
Flexion extension of forearm rein...,
Flexion extension of forearm rein...,
Pronation supination of forearm r...
8  cards
Shoulder Region
2 prominent bursae,
Separates the tendon of supraspin...,
Separates the scapular fossa from...
13  cards
Starts at frenulum of labia minor...,
Starts at frenulum of labia minor...,
Boundaries superior fascia of uro...
9  cards
Has 2 coxal hip bones,
Transmit the dorsal primary rami ...,
Transmit the ventral primary rami...
27  cards
Male Reproductive System
Surrounded by a thick connective ...,
Testes descends along an abnormal...,
Small patency of processus vagina...
35  cards
Upper Limb
From arch of aorta to the lateral...,
Branches of subclavian artery,
Continuous with superior epigastr...
35  cards
Suprarenal (adrenal) Gland
Half moon shape,
Arterial supply,
Venous drainage
14  cards
Courses through the prostate glan...,
Courses through the urogenital di...,
Course through the penis surround...
6  cards
Urinary Bladder
Females ub,
Internal structure,
20  cards
Prevent urine reflux,
Anatomic relations males females,
May inadvertently ligate the uret...
11  cards
Location left hypochondriac regio...,
Usually near the hilum tail of pa...,
Functions of spleen
14  cards
Skeletal System
Two divisions of skeletal system,
Functions of the bones,
Skeleton comprises how many bones
40  cards

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jaspie - anatomy (topnotch supplement)

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