j - health assessment final

This class was created by Brainscape user Kimberly Diane Hill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Exam 1 Pre-Op Evaluation
Goals of pre op evaluation include,
What are the benefits of pre op e...,
What are the benefits of pre op e...
146  cards
Exam 1 Physical Assessment
What are the two components of a ...,
Caucasians have a 20 higher chanc...,
What is the classical difficult b...
123  cards
Exam 1 Basic EKG
The heart has the innate ability ...,
What are the two types of cells i...,
When there is a stimulation above...
82  cards
Exam 1 ACLS
What hr would be considered brady...,
What is the leading cause of brad...,
What does persistent bradyarrhyth...
59  cards
Exam 1 Advance EKG
What is the benefit of using a 5 ...,
In lead i the negative electrode ...,
In lead ii the positive electrode...
95  cards
Exam 2 Airway Assessment
The internal nose is dived by the...,
The internal structure of the nos...,
How many turbinates are there wha...
94  cards
Exam 2 Musculoskeletal Diseases
What is scleroderma,
What are the 3 forms of scleroderma,
The limited symptoms of scleroder...
39  cards
Valvular Disease (Exam II)
Prevalence of valvular heart dise...,
The most frequently encountered c...,
Preoperative evaluation of patien...
107  cards
T3 - Renal Assessment
_____ tbw is water varies w _____...,
Ecf fluid outside of cells _____ ...,
How is osmolar homeostasis primar...
285  cards
T3 - Hepatic & Biliary Systems Assessment
What is the function of the liver...,
What role does the liver play in ...,
How does the liver contribute to ...
264  cards
T3 - Neuro Disease Assessment
What is the first step in managin...,
What should be included in the di...,
Why is it important to review the...
206  cards
T3 - Vascular Disease Assessment
What is an aortic aneurysm,
How are aortic dissections classi...,
What is the treatment approach fo...
187  cards
T4 - GI Assessment
What percentage of the total huma...,
What are the main functions of th...,
What are the layers of the gi tra...
227  cards
GI Assessment Kahoot
What is the innermost layer of th...,
Which is the best test to detect ...,
Which type of achalasia is associ...
15  cards
T4 - Endocrine Assessment
What is necessary for maintaining...,
Which organ is the primary source...,
What percentage of the glucose re...
191  cards
Endocrine Assessment Kahoot
There are six anterior pituitary ...,
The two posterior pituitary hormo...,
T or f diabetes insipidus is char...
18  cards
T4 - HTN Assessment
What are the 2017 acc aha thresho...,
How many people in the us are aff...,
Which race has the highest preval...
169  cards
HTN/PH Kahoot
Common causes of secondary htn in...,
Drugs that increase bp as a side ...,
Refactory htn is uncontrolled bp ...
12  cards
T4 - Heart Failure
How many people in the us will be...,
Hf is defined as a complex syndro...,
Hf leads to tissue hypoperfusion ...
174  cards
Heart Failure Kahoot
What symptoms are commonly associ...,
What cardiac pressure does the bm...
17  cards
T4- Obstructive Lung Disease
What is bronchitis,
What is emphysema,
What are the four groups of obstr...
209  cards
Obstructive Airway Disease Kahoot
What pathology is responsible for...,
Which interventions can minimize ...,
The main inflammatory mediators i...
12  cards
T4 - Restrictive Lung Disease
Restrictive lung disease affects ...,
What is the hallmark of rld,
As lung elasticity worsens pts be...
130  cards

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j - health assessment final

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