This class was created by Brainscape user Patrick Foster. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Software Quality Assurance - Unit 1
When can a system be fully tested...,
What is quality assurance carried...,
What is the definition for _softw...
23  cards
Software Quality Assurance - Unit 2
How is the term _quality manageme...,
What activities does the term _qu...,
What is _product oriented quality...
16  cards
Software Quality Assurance - Unit 3
What is the major difference betw...,
What is the typical cycle of acti...,
What are measures in constructive...
12  cards
Software Quality Assurance - Unit 4
In status quality assurance what ...,
Is the source code executed in st...,
What static quality assurance pro...
27  cards
Software Quality Assurance - Unit 5
What is another name for dynamic ...,
What different levels of tests ex...,
What does a test case at a minimu...
22  cards
Software Quality Assurance - Unit 6
What do unit tests test,
What do integration tests test,
What do system tests test
24  cards
Software Quality Assurance - Unit 7
What steps can the activities for...,
What is the general idea of the _...,
What is the general idea of the _...
12  cards
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Unit 1
What does it mean for computers t...,
What is a difference between comp...,
What is the difference between an...
43  cards
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Unit 2
What was the initial difference b...,
What comprised the packed switche...,
How large could messages sent to ...
32  cards
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Unit 3
What is the difference between a ...,
What sections make up the memory ...,
What different states may a proce...
30  cards
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Unit 4
What are the core features of dis...,
What is serivce oriented architec...,
In service oriented architecture ...
26  cards
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Unit 5
What frequency range is used in r...,
What formula can be used to repre...,
What does it mean when a signal h...
34  cards
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Unit 6
What are the three key aspects of...,
What are two supplemental concept...,
What does accountability in regar...
10  cards
IT Service Management - Unit 1
What is the concept of shadow it,
How does the united kingdom acade...,
What four eras has it evolved thr...
22  cards
IT Service Management - Unit 2
What is a stakeholder defined as,
What are typical internal and ext...,
When a stakeholder is assigned a ...
16  cards
IT Service Management - Unit 3
What is the service value system ...,
What is the service value system ...,
What are the types of inputs in
15  cards
IT Service Management - Unit 4
What do the guiding principles in...,
What guiding pricinples in the in...,
What used frameworks often inters...
23  cards
IT Service Management - Unit 5
1  cards
IT Service Management - Unit 6
0  cards

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