This class was created by Brainscape user Xyrus Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Module 1: Introduction to Auditing
It is defined as an engagement in...,
____ are professional services de...,
What are the conceptual phases of...
27  cards
Module 2: Audit Planning and Business Process
A ________ is an interrelated set...,
What are the responsibilities of ...,
The role of the is internal audit...
79  cards
Module 3: Internal Controls
Process affected by the board man...,
Internal control who affects the ...,
Internal control what are the 3 c...
43  cards
Module 4: Risk-Based Audit Planning
What is the main purpose of risk ...,
Risk based audit planning what ar...,
How do you gain an understanding ...
39  cards
Module 5: Types of Audits and Assessments
What does an external audit assess,
T or f internal audits come from ...,
What is the objective of the exte...
31  cards
Module 6: Audit Project Management
What are the basic steps for mana...,
Make a realistic estimates of the...,
What is the difference between co...
30  cards
Module 7: Sampling Methodology
Compliance vs substantive testing,
Compliance vs substantive testing,
Compliance vs substantive testing
60  cards
Module 8: Audit Collection Techniques
Evidence is any information used ...,
Evidence what should be considere...,
Evidence audit evidence may inclu...
54  cards
Module 9: Data Analysis
Computer assisted audit technique...,
Computer assisted audit technique...,
Computer assisted audit technique...
46  cards
Module 10: Reporting and Communication Techniques
1  cards

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