This class was created by Brainscape user Hachi Chong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

What is considered as the sole of ir,
How does realism view ir,
Who is considered as the greatest...
17  cards
Four strands of liberalism in ir,
Liberalism view of human nature i...,
A realist principle that states a...
14  cards
Cold War Politics
Duration of cold war,
What is the cold war,
Cold war also denoted ideological...
31  cards
Where was the idea of nonalignmen...,
Bandung conference,
First nam summit
10  cards
What is the european union,
When did the european union come ...,
Headquarter of european union
13  cards
Full form of asean,
When was asean form,
Original members ofasean
14  cards
Full form of saarc,
When was saarc formed,
Where was saarc formed
14  cards
What is the un,
Un headquarters,
Other main offices of un
34  cards
Indo china Relatioms
Two chinese traveller who came to...,
In whose reign did the two chines...,
The panchsheel was signed between...
17  cards
Indo USA Relations
India s foreign policy issues wit...,
Following factors train the bilat...,
India and us relation during 1980s
5  cards
Indo Pak Relations
Major irritants in indo pak relat...,
Major indo pak instances of conflict,
When was the tashkant agreement s...
14  cards
Westphalia Treaty
The treaty ended war between whome,
Where was the treaty signed,
Significance of westphalia treaty
9  cards
World War II
Allied powers,
Axis powers,
Germany attacks
13  cards
Acronym of what,
When was it formed,
3  cards
What is imf,
When was imf set up,
Which agreement set up imf
6  cards
Global Governace
Global governance,
Global economic governance,
Anchors of the global political e...
3  cards
World Bank
When was world bank set up,
How did its role change after 1960s,
What is the world bank
9  cards
It s based at,
Role of world trade organisation,
When was set up
9  cards
MNC & tNc
Difference between mnc and tnc,
What is an mnc,
Various ways in which corporation...
4  cards
World Social Forum
What is world social forum wsf,
Idea of wsf took shape during what
6  cards
Environ Mental
The montreal protocol was signed ...,
How many countries signed montrea...,
What is the montreal protocol
16  cards
Nuclear Ploriferation
What is nuclear proliferation,
Nuclear proliferation maybe verti...,
Main treaties form limiting nucle...
11  cards

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