This class was created by Brainscape user bal singh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Module 1.1.1 (Pharmacology of drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Which potent nsaid is used for rh...,
What is the prodrug of indomethac...,
For dmards disease modifying drug...
16  cards
Module 1.1.2 (Pharmacotherapeutic Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis)
What are the laboratory findings ...,
What are the features of ra provi...
27  cards
Module 1.2.1 (Pharmacology of drugs for OA)
For paracetamol a,
For nsaids a should it be used wi...,
Provide five side effects of curr...
14  cards
Module 1.2.2 (Management of OA)
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
How to diagnose oa,
Difference between oa and ra a ag...
15  cards
Module 1.3.1 (Pharmacological management of Gout)
What is gout how is it classified...,
The main treatment used to treat ...,
What are the biochemical causes o...
11  cards
Module 1.3.2 (Therapeutic Management of Gout)
What are the risk factors of gout,
What are the signs and,
What are the laboratory findings ...
18  cards
Module 2.1.1 (Pharmacology of Drugs used in Asthma)
What is the definition of asthma ...,
Provide examples of the drugs use...,
What is the action of preventers
28  cards
Module 2.1.2 (Asthma Management)
What are the key features in asthma,
What are the symptoms of asthma i...,
What are some risk factors for de...
42  cards
Module 2.2.1 (Pharmacology of the drug treatments for COPD)
What is the definition of copd,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the drugs used to treat ...
16  cards
Module 2.2.2 (Management of COPD)
What are three most common sympto...,
What are acute exacerbations of c...,
The risk of copd increases with t...
35  cards
Module 2.3.1 (Pharmacology of the drug treatments for DVT:PE)
For pharmacological management of...,
Coagulation involves two pathways...
15  cards
Module 2.3.2 (Management of DVT:PE)
Define pe pulmonary embolism dvt ...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
Is the clinical diagnosis of dvt ...
22  cards
Module 2.4.2 (Management of Pneumonia)
What are the risk factors for pne...,
How to prevent pneumonia,
What are some signs and symptoms ...
32  cards
Module 3.1.1 (Pharmacology of Immunosuppressants used in Psoriasis)
For coal tars a what is the most ...,
For topical corticosteroids cs a ...,
For topical corticosteroids cs a ...
19  cards
Module 3.1.2 (Therapeutic Management of Psoariasis)
What is the most common type of p...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are some trigger factors for...
35  cards
Module 3.2.1 (Pharmacology of Drugs used in SLE)
What treatments to usefor mild sl...,
What is used for suppression of a...,
What is the moa of corticosteroids
28  cards
Module 3.2.2 (Management of SLE)
What are the,
How to do the diagnosis of sle de...,
Describe what a mild moderate and...
13  cards
Module 3.3.1 (Pharmacological Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis)
What are examp,
What is the moa of,
Whats an example of plasmapheresi...
17  cards
Module 3.3.2 (Management of Myasthenia Gravis)
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
How to diagnose mg provide five ways,
What is the treatment for patient...
9  cards
Module 4.1.1 (Pharmacology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease drugs)
What are the drugs used in cd and...,
What are the examples of corticos...,
Why are corticosteroids use
15  cards
Module 4.1.2 (Management of IBD)
What is ibd,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What is the difference between uc...
32  cards
Module 4.2 (Anaemia)
What are the symptoms of anaemia,
Anaemia lab readings for men and ...,
What are the types
24  cards
Module 4.2.2 (Management of Anaemia)
What are the risk factors to be s...,
How to confirm ida,
What are the four treatment optio...
20  cards
Module 5.1.1 (Part 1 --> Non-Targeted Antineoplastic Drugs)
For non targeted drugs a what are...,
What are general toxicity adverse...,
What are examples of nitrogen mus...
13  cards
Module 5.1.1 (Part 2 --> Targeted Antineoplastic Drugs)
For serms,
What additional adverse effects d...,
For aromatose inhibtors a what is...
11  cards
Module 5.2.2 (Management of adverse effects of chemotherapy)
What are all the adverse effects ...,
What are examples of combination ...,
What does the following chemother...
24  cards

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