This class was created by Brainscape user Karoline Martinussen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Chapter 2: IPThought, IPTheory, and the discipline of IR
What are the three traditions,
Why was there no ir,
Who created ir
3  cards
Chapter 3: Sovereignty, law and war: Grotius in the colonies
Grotius and sovereignty
12  cards
Chapter 4: Hobbes, the state, anarchy and savagery
How does one escape the state of ...,
What is hobbes s state of nature,
What is hobbes s perspective on i...
12  cards
Chapter 5: Kant, Enlightenment thinking and perpetual peace
Kant, Enlightenment thinking and perpetual peace
11  cards
Chapter 6: Global revolutionary thought: Marx, Hegel, Haiti
Global revolutionary thought: Marx, Hegel, Haiti
9  cards
Chapter 7: Liberalism and empire: J.S. Mill
For mill what are the two threats...,
Under what conditions is one stat...,
What are mill s four stages of hu...
21  cards
Chapter 8
Interwar ‘internationalism’
7  cards
Chapter 9: Empire, race and anticolonial thought
What is the traditional origin st...,
Who were some of the first ir the...,
According to revisionist history ...
8  cards
Chapter 10: Realism as an intellectual project
What were some reasons for the de...,
What event appeared to confirm th...,
What distinguishes classical real...
14  cards
Chapter 11: Decolonisation
What are the key ideas in cesaire...,
What does cesaire argue about the...,
What solution does cesaire propos...
16  cards
Chapter 12: Concerning Violence
According to arendt what role did...,
How did arendt differentiate betw...,
In on violence how does arendt de...
15  cards
Chapter 13: The international thought of the Cold War: modernisation theory and dependency theory
What historical context prompted ...,
What is modernisation theory,
Who discusses the five stages soc...
15  cards
Chapter 14: Gender, sexuality and social reproduction
What is gender,
What are the three leading approa...,
How does cynthia enloe 2014 contr...
19  cards
Chapter 15: Biopolitics and the state of exception
How does foucault describe the sh...,
What is biopower according to fou...,
What are the core components of t...
16  cards
Chapter 16: Empire at home: from civil rights to black lives matter
What is the significance of the b...,
How is police militarization fram...,
What are some arguments for milit...
18  cards
Chapter 17: 21st century Marxist thought: violence, dispossession and the new imperialism
What has been the focus of a grow...,
What concept has david harvey pop...,
What criticism has david harvey s...
18  cards
Chapter 18: Cosmopolitanism, (counter) humanism and the politics of rights
What is international normative t...,
What topics does the literature o...,
How is the literature on internat...
13  cards
Chapter 19: Planetary crisis: environmentalism and the end of IR?
What is the anthropocene,
What is the argument put forward ...,
What is the critique presented by...
12  cards
Chapter 20: The Future of IPT
What was argued in the end of ir ...,
According to justin rosenberg 201...,
What does rosenberg 2016 propose ...
17  cards

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