This class was created by Brainscape user J H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: J H

Decks in this class (18)

Name some of the possibilities of...,
What would you ask someone to try...,
What are the other names for acut...
46  cards
Alcohol and GI bleeds
What is the audit questionnaire u...,
What should be done if audit sugg...,
What is the onset of alcohol with...
46  cards
What should be asked about during...,
Where does eczema tend to present,
When would eczema be diagnosed
10  cards
Cellulitis and MRSA
What is cellulitis,
Before treatment of cellulitis wh...,
What are the classifications of c...
12  cards
How are children under 5 diagnose...,
How are children 5 and over diagn...,
How is chronic asthma managed in ...
30  cards
C. diff
Which antibiotics are most likely...,
How do certain antibiotics cause ...,
How is c difficile infection treated
7  cards
How long a supply can oral contra...,
What must be done before supplyin...
36  cards
Drug Misuse and Addiction
Which groups of people are at hig...,
What are some signs of drug abuse,
What are some commonly abused drugs
24  cards
What is endocarditis,
What are some common symptoms of ...,
How is suspected native valve end...
27  cards
Heart failure
What is heart failure,
What are the most common cardiac ...,
What are the most common risk fac...
50  cards
Paediatric and Neonatal Health
What does an epidural contain,
How is an epidural adminstered,
What can epidurals cause
18  cards
What are neural tube defects,
When do neural tube defects occur,
What are the 2 most common ntds
67  cards
Prescribing in Liver Impairment
What re the different types of li...,
What is hepatitis,
What are the stages of alcohol as...
25  cards
Renal Dysfunction
What are the main causes of aki,
What are symptoms of aki,
What suggests aki diagnosis
76  cards
How does rhabdomyolysis occur,
What are some causes of rhabdomyo...
7  cards
What is schizophrenia,
What is the difference between po...,
What is a prodromal period
49  cards
Type 2 Diabetes
What causes type 1 diabetes,
What causes type 2 diabates,
What are some common symptoms of ...
108  cards
How do ace inhibitors work,
Ace inhibitor side effects,
What conditions are ace inhibitor...
13  cards

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