introduction to canine therapeutic massage

This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe Ho. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Basic Muscle Functions
- state the muscle functions
26  cards
Plate 17-19, 35: superficial and deep head, neck, shoulder and arm muscles of dogs
Nasolabial levator m,
Orbicular ocular m,
Zygomatic m
24  cards
Plate 20: Forearm and forefoot muscles
Pronator mm,
Supinator mm,
Radial and carpal extensor m
7  cards
Plate 31: Hindlimb muscles - Lateral views
- state the hindlimb muscle functions
14  cards
Plate 32: Hindlimb muscles - Medial views
Medial vast m,
Pectineal m,
Gracilis m
5  cards
Muscle functions - Muscles
Name 2 muscles that flex the elbo...,
Name 5 muscles that elevate the f...
2  cards
Muscles, fascia, lymphatic system
What are the four primary types o...,
What are epithelial tissues epith...,
What is connective tissue what is...
37  cards
Trigger points, tendons, ligaments, joints
What are trigger points where are...,
What causes trigger points,
How does a muscle that function n...
19  cards
Canine skeleton
How many bones are there in a dog...,
What are the five parts of the ca...,
What is the canine vertebral colu...
10  cards
Directional and kinesiology terminology, body planes
1. Understand and describe basic kinesiology terms: planes and directions 2. Understand Joint Actions: anatomical movement
24  cards
Pathology and common worms
What is a pathogen give four exam...,
What is a zoonotic disease,
What is direct transmission
28  cards
Nutrition, diet , skin and coat
What are the three ways to keep a...,
What is one of the main causes of...,
What are the 4 clinical signs tha...
10  cards
Pathological conditions: Kennel cough
What is kennel cough tracheobronc...,
What are the symptoms of kennel c...,
What can we use to reduce the sev...
7  cards
Pathological conditions: Parvovirus
What is parvovirus,
How is parvovirus spread,
Who get infected by parvovirus mo...
8  cards
Pathological conditions: canine distemper virus (CDV)
What is canine distemper virus cdv,
What are the clinical signs of ca...,
How long does a recovering dog wi...
5  cards
Pathological conditions: Lyme Disease
What is lyme disease,
What are the symptoms of lyme dis...,
What can happen if lyme disease i...
5  cards
Pathological conditions: Pancreatitis
What is pancratitis,
What are the causes of pancreatit...,
What dog breeds have a higher cha...
7  cards
Pathological conditions: Crepitus
What are the causes of crepitus,
Can we massage a dog with crepitus
3  cards
Pathological conditions: Hip Dysplasia
What is hip dysplasia,
What is a common disease that may...,
What are the causes of hip dysplasia
6  cards
Pathological conditions: Elbow dysplasia
What is elbow dysplasia,
Which 3 developmental abnormaliti...,
What are the 6 symptoms of elbow ...
4  cards
Pathological conditions: Arthritis
What is arthritis,
When does arthritis often occur,
What causes arthritis
7  cards
Massage considerations and contraindications
If we do not see improvements aft...,
What problems will not show up on...,
When does muscle soreness occur a...
9  cards
What is each stroke of canine mas...,
Canine massage is a _______ commu...,
The power of touch is considered ...
59  cards

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introduction to canine therapeutic massage

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