internal medicine (equine)

This class was created by Brainscape user Kai Sainsbury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

EMS (Yr 4)
What does ems stand for,
What does insulin do,
If the target cells fail to respo...
19  cards
PPID (Yr 4)
What does ppid stand for,
What tiggers the function of the ...,
What cells make up the pars inter...
24  cards
Iatrogenic emergencies (Yr4)
What complications can be seen wh...,
What factors increase the risk of...,
What is a grade 1 rectal tear
10  cards
Toxicology (Yr 3)
What are some neurotoxins,
What toxin does does deadly night...,
What are the clinical signs of de...
30  cards
Lower respiratory disease in individuals (Yr 4)
What are the two names for the di...,
What can cause asthma,
What is happens once allergens ar...
42  cards
Equine athlete respiratory system (Yr 4)
What is vo2 max,
What are the secondary functions ...,
What are some anatomical dead spa...
20  cards
Arrhythmias (Yr 4)
What does the high reserve capaci...,
What does vagal tone do,
3  cards
Diagnostic approach to respiratory disease (Yr 4)
1  cards
Oncology (Yr 4)
What are lipizzaners predisposed to,
What are shires and clydesdales p...,
What are the four main groups of ...
18  cards
Ophthalmic exam (Yr 4)
What is the outer fibrous layer o...,
What is the granula iridica,
What are the three areas there is...
18  cards
Ophthalmic conditions (Yr 4)
Why are medial eyelid lacerations...,
What are some common masses found...,
What are the four layers of the c...
19  cards
Murmurs (Yr 4)
Where is the apex beat,
What causes s1,
What causes s2
24  cards
Vascular disease (Yr 4)
What is oedema,
What is anasarca,
Why does oedema occur ventrally
17  cards
Arrhythmias (Yr4)
Why do horses have a very high va...,
Where is an ecg placed,
What is the p wave
18  cards
Infectious disease (Yr2)
What notifiable diseases can be f...,
What causes contagious equine met...,
Is salmonella gram positive or ne...
7  cards
Cardiology and respiratory assessment (Yr3)
What is the hr of a horse,
What causes s1,
What causes s2
10  cards
The stallion (Yr4)
What is a stallion,
What is a colt,
When do stallions reach sexual ma...
18  cards
Peri-parturient mare (Yr4)
What can cause pre parturient colic,
What can cause post parturient colic,
What would be the appropriate tre...
37  cards
Urinary surgery (Yr4)
What are indications for a nephre...,
When are bladder ruptures most co...,
What findings on biochemistry wou...
13  cards
Urinary medicine (Yr4)
What causes pre renal acute renal...,
What cause post renal acute renal...,
What are the renal causes of acut...
50  cards
Infectious lower respiratory tract disease (Yr4)
What would indicate from haematol...,
What are the main acute phase pro...,
What is the pathogenesis of equin...
11  cards
Neurological conditions (Yr4)
How might a forebrain disease pre...,
What are some possible causes of ...,
What causes intestinal hyperammon...
6  cards

More about
internal medicine (equine)

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