inspector calls

This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Gee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Theme: Capitalism Vs Socialism
I can t accept any responsibility,
Unnecessary officious,
Interested of the capital are pro...
7  cards
Theme : Social Class
Eva as symbol of lower class how ...,
Upper class pink and intimate,
Sheila epitome of lower class ign...
9  cards
0  cards
Social Responsibilty
0  cards
Old Generation Vs New
Birling family is split into two ...,
The generational divide in britai...,
How priestley portrays the genera...
15  cards
Mr Birling
All mixed up together like bees i...,
Dominant position in static society,
Living embodiment of capitalist i...
12  cards
Mrs Birling
Girls of that class,
Your behaving like a hysterical c...,
Difficult to emphasise with stati...
13  cards
Eric Birling
Not quite at ease,
That s when ur happened,
Yes i remember
16  cards
Sheila Birling
Really feel engaged,
Presented as result of parents ma...,
4  cards
Gerald Croft
I hate those hard eyed dough face...,
Awfully busy at the works at that...,
Represents individualism of upper...
9  cards
Eva Smith
Eva changes her name why,
Why is graphic language used for ...
12  cards
The Inspector
If men will not learn that lesson...,
Yes but you cant its too lateshe ...,
Need not be a big man but he crea...
13  cards
Why does priestly relates to shei...,
Though at the beginning they are ...,
How does priestley shows how the ...
5  cards
L ve told you i was awfully busy ...,
I can t accept any responsibility,
Recognizes it with a little cry g...
10  cards

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inspector calls

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