This class was created by Brainscape user aryan gupta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

infectious diarrhoea
Define diarrhoea,
Define gastro enteritis,
Define dysentry
51  cards
Outbreak management
What is a high consequence infect...,
What are conta,
How do airborne hcids spread
32  cards
HIV and aids
How is hiv spread,
How does hiv work,
What does a low cd4 cause
24  cards
pyrexia of unknown origin
What is a normal temperature,
What temperature is a fever,
When is temperature higherst and ...
13  cards
staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
Is staph aureus part of the human...,
How does staph aureus look under ...,
What are the toxins that staph au...
16  cards
sepsis and septic shock
What is sepsis,
What does sirs stand for,
What are the signs for suspicion ...
28  cards
What is rna virus,
What does influenza a infect,
What does influenza b and c infect
18  cards
What is zoonosis,
What is enzoonotic,
What are the common uk zoonosis
37  cards
antimicrobial stewardship
What is antimicrobial resistance,
What is intrinsic resistance,
What is acquired resistance
7  cards
Immunisation and prophylaxis
What are the main antibodies in t...,
What is the difference between li...,
What is a live attenuated vaccine
20  cards
travel related infection
What are some water related infec...,
What are arthropod borne infections,
What are important tropical diseases
24  cards
skin and soft tissue infections
What is impetigo,
What is the characteristic featur...,
What pathogens cause impetigo
82  cards
fungal infections
What does it mean for fungal infe...,
What are the main types of fungal...,
What are the risk factors for can...
22  cards

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