This class was created by Brainscape user Tania Ahmed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What is malaria,
What are the different types of p...,
What populations have innate immu...
10  cards
Brain abscess
What is brain abscess,
What causes brain abscess,
What are some risk factors for de...
7  cards
Necrotising fasciitis
What is necrotising fasciitis,
What are the different types of n...,
What are the risk factors for nec...
9  cards
What is sepsis,
What is the sirs criteria for sepsis,
What is the criteria for severe s...
9  cards
Surgical site infection
What is a surgical site infection,
What kinds of surgical site infec...,
What causes surgical site infections
9  cards
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
What is the human immunodeficienc...,
What causes hiv to spread,
What are the risk factors for hiv
8  cards
What is candidiasis,
What are the risk factors for can...,
What signs of candidiasis can be ...
5  cards
What is cellulitis,
What causes cellulitis,
What are the risk factors for cel...
10  cards
What is conjunctivitis,
What are the causes of conjunctiv...,
What are the risk factors for con...
9  cards
Herpes Simplex Virus
What is herpes simplex virus,
What causes herpes simplex virus,
What are the presenting symptoms ...
6  cards
Infectious diarrhoea
What is meant by infectious diarr...,
What are the causes of infectious...,
What are the risk factors for inf...
9  cards
Hospital Acquired Infections
What is meant by hospital acquire...,
What are some causes of hospital ...,
What are the risk factors for hos...
3  cards
What is tonsillits,
What causes tonsillitis,
What are the presenting symptoms ...
6  cards
Varicella zoster
What is varicella zoster,
Describe the epidemiology of vari...,
What are the risk factors for var...
8  cards
Viral exanthema
What is viral exanthema,
Describe the epidemiology of vira...,
What are the causes risk factors ...
6  cards
Notifiable diseases
List of currently notifiable dise...,
What do we do if there s a notifi...,
What is the guidance on when to n...
4  cards

More about
infection y3

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