infection systems

This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Thomson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lecture 1: Infectious Diarrhoea
What is dysentry,
What ways can a person get gastro...,
What pathogens are the most commo...
38  cards
Lecture 2: Outbreak Management
List some common outbreaks
1  cards
Lecture 3: HIV and AIDS
How is hiv spread,
Hiv pathophysiology,
Natural history of hiv infection
18  cards
Lecture 4: Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO)
Describe fever,
Describe pyrogens,
Puo definition
13  cards
Lecture 5: Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteraemia
Is staph aureus gram positive or ...,
What are the most common sites of...,
Approx how many patients with sau...
10  cards
Lecture 5: Sepsis and Septic Shock
Definition of sepsis using the se...,
Definition of septic shock using ...,
Qsofa factors for patients with s...
25  cards
Lecture 7: Influenza
Classification of influenza virus,
What surface proteins are present...,
Describe antigenic drift
21  cards
Lecture 8: Zoonosis
What is a zoonotic disease,
How are zoonotic diseases transmi...,
List some common uk zoonosis
29  cards
Lecture 9: Antibiotics
Define an antibiotic,
The majority of antibiotics are d...,
What does a becteriostatic agent do
40  cards
Lecture 10: Immunisations and Prophylaxis
List the different types of vaccines,
List examples of live attenuated ...,
List examples of inactivated whol...
27  cards
Lecture 11: Travel Related Infection
List some climate or environment ...,
List some water related infections,
List some arthropod borne infections
26  cards
Lecture 12: Skin and Soft Tissue
What is impetigo,
What organisms cause impetigo,
Impetigo treatment
13  cards
Lecture 13: Fungal Infections
0  cards

More about
infection systems

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