infection and immunity

This class was created by Brainscape user dor rawr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Introduction to antibodies and B lymphocytes
What are antibodies produced by,
What is a surface bound antibody ...,
Describe the structure of an anti...
56  cards
Antibody interaction with antigen
What does the ab recognise,
What is the epitope,
What is the paratope
45  cards
Antibody Genetics I
Where are b cells derived from in...,
Where do b cells originally develop,
What cells line the bone endosteum
48  cards
Antibody Genetics II
What happens if b cells do not en...,
How are b cells activated,
What are t independent ag
35  cards
Introduction to T Cells and the T Cell Receptor
What do t cells do,
What do b cells do,
How do t cells recognise pathogen...
53  cards
MHC Class I and II Antigen Processing
What are the types of apcs,
Where are dcs found,
What does dc migration induce
44  cards
Co-stimulatory molecules & T cell signalling
What 3 signals does primary t cel...,
What 2 things do the tcr recognise,
How does the tcr recognise mhc co...
29  cards
T cell subsets and functions
How are naive cd8 cells activated,
What do cd8 cells cause,
Describe perforin granzyme mediat...
51  cards
Dendritic cells
What is the primary function of d...,
What are the 2 major functions of...,
Why are dcs unique
44  cards
Introduction to innate immunity
Describe innate immunity,
Describe adaptive immunity,
Describe the specificity of the i...
82  cards
What is complement,
What are the 3 complement pathways,
What does complement do
33  cards
Phagocyte function and macrophages
Why is phagocytosis important,
Which cells are phagocytic,
Where do phagocytes act
58  cards
What is inflammation,
What is the difference between in...,
What are the types of inflammation
81  cards
NK cells and Gamma/Delta T cells
What are nk cells,
What determines the phenotypic di...,
What are the type of gd t cells
99  cards
Viruses and Pathogenicity
What mediates defence against mic...,
What does innate immunity provide,
What does adaptive immunity provide
28  cards
Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immune Evasion
What is balanced pathogenicity,
What are some pathogenic mechanisms,
What are some defensive mechanisms
67  cards
Studying Bacterial Pathogenesis: Approaches and Methods
Why is it important to study bact...,
How can bacteria disease be preve...,
How can bacterial disease be diag...
28  cards
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Toxins
What do bacterial toxins do,
What are the types of bacterial t...,
Describe exotoxins
23  cards
Emerging Infections and Zoonoses
0  cards
Parasites - Pathogenesis and Immune Response
0  cards
Immune response to and immune evasion by fungi and parasites
Where are fungi found,
What are common fungal diseases,
What are some more serious fungal...
41  cards
Overview of Tuberculosis
Describe the global burden of tb,
What is mycobacterium tuberculosis,
Where doe m tb infect and survive
46  cards
Dengue Virus
What is dengue virus,
How can dengue disease manifest,
Describe the epidemiology of dengue
25  cards
Adaptive immunity against viruses and viral evasion strategies
What is adaptive immunity to viruses,
Describe the humoral response to ...,
Describe the cellular response to...
34  cards
Innate immunity against viruses and viral evasion strategies
What are the components to innate...,
What are the sites of microbe entry,
What are the physical barriers
60  cards
Respiratory viral infections and COVID
Explain how respiratory viruses c...,
What kind of viruses are rhinovir...,
How many serotypes of rhinovirus ...
27  cards
HIV Disease Processes
What type of virus is hiv 1,
How is hiv 1 transmitted,
What does hiv cause
68  cards
Intro to Vaccines and Immunotherapy
What is smallpox,
What is the aim of vaccination,
What are the types of vaccines
89  cards
Influenza virus and Vaccines against influenza
Describe seasonal influenza,
What is the pathology of seasonal...,
Describe the influenza virus
9  cards
New Vaccine Development
What are the criteria of a good v...,
What is empiricism,
What is rational design
41  cards
Antibody Engineering
How many specificities does the a...,
What are hypervariable regions,
What is affinity
69  cards
Problem pathogens and vaccine strategies
Why are there so many diseases fo...,
What causes seasonal flu,
What causes new flu viruses and p...
21  cards
Vaccine production, development and registration
0  cards

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infection and immunity

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