This class was created by Brainscape user Isla Anderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

How do the definitions between di...,
What is dysentery,
What is the bristol stool chart
51  cards
Outbreak management
How can an outbreak or incident b...,
What are common outbreaks
19  cards
How can hiv be spread,
When can a patient be tested for hiv,
What is good to mention to patien...
24  cards
Prexia of unknown origin
What is the definition of a fever,
What are pyrogens,
What is the modern definition of ...
19  cards
Staph. Aureus Bacteraemias
How are staphylococci described,
In what individuals is the rate o...,
What is the most frequent site of...
18  cards
Sepsis and Septic Shock
What is the definition of sepsis,
What is the traditional model of ...,
What is the definition of septic ...
37  cards
When does influenza occur and why...,
What are 20th century pandemics o...,
Describe the surface proteins of ...
25  cards
What is zoonosis,
What are mechanisms of transmissi...,
What bacteria viruses parasites c...
35  cards
0  cards
immunisation and prophalaxis
Who are immunisations given to,
Who are prophalaxis given to,
What is immunity divided into
36  cards
Travel related infection
What are unfamiliar features of i...,
What can affect vulnerability of ...,
What are common infections worlwide
47  cards
skin and soft tissue infections
What is impetigo,
Who does impetigo most commonly a...,
How is impetigo treated
43  cards
Fungal infections
What are fungal infections,
What is the burden of fungal infe...,
Who is susceptible to opportunist...
29  cards
A which hepatitis viruses can be ...,
How is hepatitis a diagnosed in t...,
Which hepatitis viruses are sprea...
13  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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