This class was created by Brainscape user Chillu P. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Infection - Antimicrobial Stewardship
Why do you need to obtain culture...,
Which oral antibiotics should you...,
Which topical antibiotics should ...
3  cards
Infection - Prescribing Pathways
What is the first line tx for hum...,
What is the second line tx for hu...,
What do you use to tx human and a...
47  cards
Infection - Aminoglycosides
Examples of aminoglycosides,
Conditions route of adminstration...,
How often does serum aminoglycosi...
12  cards
Infection - Cephalosporins
What are the 1st gen of cephalosp...,
What are the 2nd gen of cephalosp...,
What is route of adminstration in...
4  cards
Infection - Antibiotics others
Can you give chloramphenicol to u...,
Can you give chloramphenicol eye ...,
S e of clindamycin
9  cards
Infection - Glycopeptides
What are glycopeptides,
What is best route of adminstrati...,
Can you give glycopeptides in pre...
7  cards
Infection - Linezolid
What are the risks of linezolid,
What do you monitor in severe opt...,
What do you monitor in blood diso...
5  cards
Infection - Macrolides
Examples of macrolides,
Which conditions are cautions wit...,
Macrolides s e
7  cards
Infection - Penicillins
Which drugs are narrow spectrum p...,
Is narrow spectrum penicillin bet...,
What are broad spectrum penicilli...
9  cards
Infection - Quinolones
Examples of quinolones,
Quinolones mhra
8  cards
Infection - Tetracyclines
Examples of tetracyclines,
Label requirement of tetracyclines,
Which tetracyclines can be given ...
5  cards
Infection - Different types of antibiotics
Narrow spectrum antibiotics,
Broad spectrum antibiotics,
Anaerobic antibiotic
10  cards
Infection - TB
Tb initial phase tx,
Tb continuous phase tx,
Latent tb tx
9  cards
Infection - Fungal Infections
What is aspergillons,
Tx of aspergillus,
What is cryptococcus
26  cards
Infection - Viral Infections
Tx of varicella zoster chickenox ...,
Tx of chickenpox,
Herpes shingles symptoms
4  cards
Infection - Malaria
Is malaria bite protection absolute,
What is malaria bite protection,
Malaria bite protection and indig...
25  cards

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