industrialisation- history

This class was created by Brainscape user Madeleine Baskerville. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. the Pressure for Change, THE BRITISH POLITICAL SYSTEM 1783
What was asa briggs opinions on p...,
In 1783 what system was in place ...,
What is a constitutional monarchy
22  cards
When was pitt choosen to become pm,
Why did the king appoint pitt des...,
What was the political crisis of ...
26  cards
3. Economic Developments
What process was britain entering...,
What are the arguemnts for indust...,
What were the arguments against t...
15  cards
4. Social Developments
What was happening to the social ...,
What were the positives of the ur...,
What were the disadvantages of th...
10  cards
5. Political Pressures on the Government
When was the french revolution,
What did the revolution do to bri...,
What did charles fox think on the...
22  cards
6. Wartime pressures on government
Who became pm after pitt,
When was addington pm,
When was the first phase of the f...
22  cards
7. Government: Lord Liverpool as Prime Minister
What was lord liverpools name 177...,
What job roles did lord liverpool...,
When did he become pm
20  cards
8. Government: Cannning, Goderich, Wellington as PMs
When did canning become pm,
Canning was a,
What was the problem with canning
31  cards
9. Economic Developments: 1812-1832
What main industries continued to...,
Even though it boosted the econom...,
What introduced consumerism
11  cards
10. Social Developments
What were the disadvantages of in...,
What did towns develop into,
By 1831 what was the population o...
14  cards
22. Railways
What were the advantages of the d...,
What are the disadvantages of the...,
What did stephenson do
5  cards
23. Corn Law Repeal
When was the corn law repeal,
List some of the causes of the re...,
What year was the bad autumn maki...
22  cards
Prime ministers
Outline the duke of portland,
Outline addington as pm,
Outline grenville
6  cards
Whig Reforms 1830s
When was the abolition of slavery,
When was the factory act,
What did the factory act do
3  cards

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industrialisation- history

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