This class was created by Brainscape user urooj ali. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Signs and symptoms for visit,
Signs of incom strab,
History qs
93  cards
case history
Signs of incom strab,
Symptoms of incom strab,
History qs
3  cards
ocular motility
What is an agonist,
What is an antagonist,
What is a contralateral synergist
11  cards
6th NP
What is the pathway of the 6th nerve,
Aetiology of 6th nerve palsy in o...,
Aetiology of 6th np under 50s
10  cards
4th NP
Features of 4th,
Aetiology of acquired 4th,
Aetiology of congenital unilatera...
14  cards
3rd NP
Pathway of 3rd learn,
What do the superior and inferior...,
Types of 3rd nerve palsy
20  cards
blow out fracture
Causes of orbital trauma,
Mechanism of orbital fracture,
How does a hess lees look for a b...
6  cards
browns syndrome
What is browns syndrome,
Browns characteristics,
Aetiology of acquired browns
5  cards
duanes retraction syndrome
What is duanes retraction syndrome,
Aetiology of duanes,
Hebers classification of duanes
7  cards
myasthenia Gravis
Aetiology of mg,
Mechanism of mg,
Features of mg
15  cards
Thyroid eye disease (TED)
What is graves,
Epidemiology of graves,
What is normal thyroid hormone co...
25  cards
management of TED
Cas and eugogo activity scoring,
Smoking cessation,
Treatment plans for graves
17  cards
heavy eye/ sagging syndrome
Differential diagnosisheavy vs sa...
5  cards
Neurogenic palsies,
22  cards
supranuclear disorders
What is a supranuclear disorder,
Anatomy and physiology,
Horizontal gaze centre
16  cards

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