imt4213 system security

This class was created by Brainscape user Lars Veggeland. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Chapter 1 - An overview of computer security
0  cards
Chapter 2 - Access control matrix
What does the concepts of state a...,
What is a access control matrix,
What are the basic acm commands
4  cards
The safety problem
What is the safety definition use...,
What is right leakage,
Is right leakage always bad
4  cards
Take Grant Protection Model
What is the take grant model,
What are the main components of t...,
What are the rights in the take g...
8  cards
Confidentiality policies
What are the main components of a...,
What are the typical clearance le...,
What is the simple security condi...
5  cards
Bell-LaPadula Model
What does it mean for the bell la...,
What is the discretionary securit...,
What is the definition of a secur...
3  cards
Integrity policies
What are the five integrity model...,
What are the goals of lipner s fi...,
What is information transfer
8  cards
The Lipner Model (Integrity Matrix Policy)
What is the purpose of the lipner...,
What are the confidentiality cate...,
What are the integrity categories...
4  cards
Clark-Wilson Inrtegrity Model
What is the clark wilson,
What is meant by the consistency ...,
What are the main features of the...
7  cards
Chinese Wall Model
What is the main motivation behin...,
What factors are used to determin...,
How are objects structured in the...
6  cards
Role Based Access Control
What is the purpose of roles in rbac,
What is a session in rbac,
Why are rbac models the most used...
7  cards
Attribute Based Access Control
How are access decisions made in ...,
What are the advantages with abac,
What is the main downside with abac
3  cards
Access Control Reference Monitor
What is a reference monitor,
What are the three,
Where is the reference monitor si...
3  cards
eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
What is xacml,
How are access decisions made in ...,
What is the policy set in xacml
7  cards
What is the point of assurance te...,
Why do we need assurance,
What types of assurances are used...
8  cards
What is the purpose of evaluation...,
What does a formal evaluation met...,
What are typically the targets of...
5  cards
The Orange Book (TCSEC)
What is tcsec,
What are the functional requireme...,
What are the special operational ...
8  cards
What is itsec,
What does a security target st co...,
What are the requirements of itsec
5  cards
The Common Criteria (CC)
0  cards

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imt4213 system security

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