This class was created by Brainscape user Keshia Shearer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Exam 1 (Lecture 1) - Immune System Overview
Immune System Overview
13  cards
Exam 1 (Lecture 2) - Cells and Antigen Binding
List the 5 different types of wbc...,
Explain what an endothelial cell ...,
List the primary and secondary ly...
11  cards
Exam 1 (Lectures 3&4) - Complement
Define complement complement fixa...,
Where is complement made,
List the ways the compliment casc...
23  cards
Definitions 1
What is adaptive immunity,
What is addressin,
What is an antibiotic
25  cards
Definitions 2
What is opsonization,
What is opsonin,
What is phagocytosis
22  cards
Definitions 3
What is a homology region domain,
What is igm,
What is igg
11  cards
Exam 1 (Lecture 5) - Early Detection and Response to Microbial Invasion
Define sentinel cell list 3 senti...,
Briefly explain where pattern rec...,
Define pamps and damps and give a...
9  cards
Exam 1 (Lecture 6) - Antibodies and Antigens
Draw an antibody molecule immunog...,
Define antigen immunogen and epitope,
Describe the types of bonds that ...
10  cards
Exam 1 (Lectures 7-9) - Antigen Binding Site
Describe the antigen binding site...,
Define antibody affinity,
Explain linear and conformational...
29  cards
Definitions 4
What is affinity maturation,
What is isotype switching,
What is hybridoma
10  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 10) - Monoclonal Antibodies
List the important surface molecu...,
Explain how t and b cells are ide...,
Compare and contrast a primary an...
7  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 11) - Lymphocyte Circulation
List two ways lymphocytes enter t...,
Describe high endothelial venules...,
List the three professional antig...
9  cards
Definitions 5
What is a dendritic cell,
What is a follicular dendritic cell,
What is a naive t cell
19  cards
Definitions 6
What is colostrum,
What is the secretory component o...,
What is a pig receptor
11  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 12) - T Helpers, B and T Interactions
List the different types of lymph...,
List the effector function includ...,
Explain how an immune response to...
13  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 13) - GD, NKs, And Response to Viruses
Explain what a gamma delta is and...,
Describe in general terms how apo...,
Explain the differences between a...
11  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 14) - Response To Different Types of Pathogens and Tolerance
Label a diagram of the interactio...,
Describe the difference between h...,
Explain the major components of t...
7  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 14.5) - Immunodiagnostics
Draw an elisa to detect an antige...,
Draw an elisa to detect antibodie...,
Explain the differences in interp...
8  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 15) - Comparative Immunity
List the two most conserved immun...,
Explain how birds transfer immuni...,
Explain what immersion vaccinatio...
6  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 16) - Fetal and Neonatal Immunity
Describe the consequences of feta...,
Compare and contrast how neonates...,
Explain the absorption of colostr...
6  cards
Exam 2 (Lecture 17) - Body Surface Protection and Mucosal Immunity
Describe two to three non immunol...,
Compare and contrast at least two...,
Describe what m cells are where t...
7  cards
Definitions 7
What is anaphylaxis,
What is atrophy,
What is sensitization
13  cards
Definitions 9
What does the fda do,
What does the epa regulate,
What does the usda cvb regulate
11  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 18) - Hypersensitivities
List the four types of hypersensi...,
Define sensitization,
Explain the important factors res...
15  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 19) - IgE Mediated Diseases
Intradermal allergy test what is ...,
Intradermal allergy test what hap...,
Intradermal allergy test
9  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 20) - Type II Cytotoxic Hypersensitivity
List the components of the type i...,
Describe how cellular targets are...,
Explain the difference between na...
14  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 21) - Type III (Immune-Complex) and Type IV (DTH and Contact Dermatitis) Hypersensitivities
List the components of a type iii...,
Compare type i and type iii local...,
Describe a classic example of a l...
10  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 22) - Tumor Immunology
List at least two general categor...,
Describe the important innate and...,
List at least two ways tumor cell...
9  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 23 and 24) - Vaccinology
List two risks and two benefits o...,
Define core and non core vaccines,
Describe the basic immunology for...
14  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 25 and 26) -
0  cards
Final Exam (Lecture 27)
0  cards
Definitions 10
What is the window of susceptibility,
What is duration of immunity,
What is serology
12  cards

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