This class was created by Brainscape user Abbie Chase. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Introduction to Immunology (1)
What is innate immune response,
What is the adaptive immune response,
What is the role of the immune sy...
48  cards
Cells & Tissues of the Immune System (2)
What is a leukocyte,
What is a lymphocyte,
What is a granulocyte
62  cards
Innate Immunity - Early Recognition (3)
Where are sentinel cells present,
What do sentinel cells recognize,
List the types of sentinel cells
47  cards
Innate Immunity - Inflammation (4)
What is inflammation,
What are the 3 roles inflammation...,
What is the main purpose of infla...
47  cards
Triggers of Adaptive Immunity (8)
T f innate immunity only recogniz...,
What is the trigger of adaptive i...,
What does the adaptive immune sys...
52  cards
Dendritic Cells & Antigen Processing (9)
What do antigen processing cells do,
What are the 3 major apcs,
What do antigen processing cells ...
45  cards
MHCs (10)
In adaptive immune response antig...,
Antigen presenting receptors are ...,
What does mhc control
39  cards
Lymphocytes (11)
Why are lymphocytes important,
What are the 3 major types of lym...,
What are the roles of bcells
44  cards
Innate Immunity - Phagocytosis (5)
What is phagocytosis,
What are the 2 major types of pha...,
Phagocytes are a class of cells w...
63  cards
Complement System (6)
What is complement,
What does complement result in,
What are the 3 complement pathways
79  cards
Cytokines & Their Receptors (7)
What are cytokines,
What secretes cytokines,
What is the function of cytokines
59  cards
Helper T-Cells & Their Response to Antigens (12)
Antigen presenting cells have mhc...,
Abnormal cells have mhc class i ii,
Antigen presenting cells present ...
37  cards
B Cells & Their Response to Antigens (13)
B cells differentiate to _____ ce...,
Antibodies are also called _____ ...,
What are membrane bound igs also ...
34  cards
Structure & Function of Antibodies (14)
What are the 5 isotypes or classe...,
Iga is associated with,
Ige is associated with
50  cards
Immunoglobin Genes & Generation of Diversity (15)
Multiple ______ bonds link antige...,
List the bonds in the order of re...,
There are 3 widely separated by g...
34  cards
T cell Function & Destruction of Cell-Associated Invaders (16)
What are the accessory molecules ...,
Cytotoxic t cells recognize antig...,
Once they encounter an antigen th...
33  cards
Immunity to Parasites (17)
What is the consistent feature of...,
What is species resistance,
____ is very host specific and si...
32  cards
Immunity to Viruses (18)
T f viruses must infect a cell in...,
What is the effector molecule for...,
What is the activity in antibody ...
47  cards
Exam 1 Straight Memorization - End E1
Which tlrs are intracellular,
Which tlrs are extracellular ie c...,
What is the ligand for tlr 1 path...
40  cards
Immunity to Bacteria & Fungi (19)
Ig g m a e d,
What is the hygiene hypothesis,
Development of disease is related...
38  cards
Regulation of Adaptive Immunity (20 & 21)
Why is it important to regulate t...,
What is tolerance,
Tolerance is primarily directed a...
41  cards
The Microbiota & Immune System (22)
Why are microbiota important for ...,
What surfaces are populated with ...,
What are the normal flora
31  cards
Evasion of the Immune Response by Pathogens (23)
Bacteria can interfere with _____...,
What is nf kb,
How does bacteria interfere with ...
50  cards
Neonatal Immunity (24)
Dr. Phillips
55  cards
Mucosal Immunity (25)
Dr. Phillips
41  cards
Vaccination (26)
What are vaccines,
What is immunoprophylaxis what ca...,
Immunoprophylaxis can be performe...
60  cards
Transplantation & Transfusion (27) - End E2
What is transplantation,
What is a donor,
What is the recipient or host
58  cards
Type I Hypersensitivity (28)
Dr. Faulkner
44  cards
Type II Hypersensitivity (29)
Dr. Faulkner
35  cards
Type III & IV Hypersensitivity (30)
Dr. Vina Faulkner
36  cards
Tumor Immunology (31)
Dr. Phillips
30  cards
Self-Tolerance & Autoimmunity (32)
Dr. Phillips
34  cards
Immunodeficiency & Immunosuppression (33)
Dr. Phillips
24  cards
Systemic Immunologic Diseases (34)
Dr. Phillips
24  cards
Immunotherapeutics (35)
Dr. Phililips
34  cards
Immunodiagnostics (36)
Dr. Phillips
32  cards

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