This class was created by Brainscape user Brianna Meyer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

surgical asepsis
Surgical sterile,
Sterile only touches sterile true...,
Modified sterile
11  cards
What is a cvad,
Where is the cvad placed
58  cards
parental injections
Parental equipment,
Medication vials always check and...,
The ____ is also referred to as t...
57  cards
focused assessment
Telemetry lead placement ecg,
2  cards
fluid balance & intravenous therapy
___ of body fluid is ____,
Fluids in the body is affected by,
Icf intracellular fluid is
44  cards
fluid concentrations
Osmolality is measured in,
Osmolality is,
Osmolarity is measure in
48  cards
IV therapy - fluid vol and effects
Intravenous therapy,
Advantages of iv therapy,
Disadvantages of iv therapy
28  cards
IV therapy use advantage & disadvantage
Iv cannulation tips and tricks,
Sites to avoid for iv cannulation,
Considerations for selecting a vein
52  cards
lab values
Factors affecting lab values,
Urine studies are used to,
Types of specimens
163  cards
medication review
Anticoagulants meds,
Anticoagulants are prevention of,
Administer an anticoagulant how
6  cards
elimination - lower GU
Lower gu system consists of,
Ureters do what,
Ureteral lumens are ___
124  cards
urinary elimination
Urethral catheter types,
Intermittent catheter is used to ...,
Condom external catheters urine c...
22  cards
intro to diabetes
What is diabetes,
How is diabetes characterized,
What is the cause of diabetes
173  cards
-intro to diabetes
What is diabetes,
What is diabetes characterized by,
What are caustic factors of diabetes
15  cards

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