This class was created by Brainscape user b dori. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

8 Chemistry - Structure and Bonding
What is an ion,
What has to happen to an ion to b...,
General properties of ionic compo...
29  cards
9 Physics - Energy and Matter
What is thermal expansion,
Given the same temperature which ...,
Why does a gas not necesarilly ex...
43  cards
10 Biology - Coordination and Response
Identify the components of the ce...,
Identify the components of the pe...,
What is the job of the nerve cell...
39  cards
11 Chemistry - Stoichiometry
Define mole avogadros constant,
How many molecules 1 mole of hydr...,
How many moles is a 301 x 10 23 b...
33  cards
1 Biology - Cells
Name the 7 characteristics of liv...,
Draw and label plant and animal cell,
Explain the function of each part...
21  cards
2 Chemistry - Matter
Defineinternal energy,
Definethermal energy heat
23  cards
12 Physics - Energy
State 1o types of energy,
What are the units of energy,
What are the 2 main categories of...
31  cards
3 Physics - Motion, Matter, and Forces
What is velocity,
What does the gradient represent ...
20  cards
4 Biology - Animal Nutrition
What is nutrition,
Where do reactions of chemical su...,
What are carbohydrates for
49  cards
5 Chemistry - The Periodic Table
Where are the alkali metals found,
What happens when alkali metals a...,
How do you test for hydrogen
20  cards
6 Physics - Model Of Matter
What are properties ofsolids,
What are properties ofliquids,
What are properties ofgases
17  cards
7 Biology - Transport In Humans
What is the role of transport system,
What are components of circulator...,
What are the blood contents and t...
36  cards
Actual size,
Catalytic converter,
Aerobic respiration
36  cards

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igcse science

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