This class was created by Brainscape user Sophia Lethbridge. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Paper 1 Section 1 - The Universe and the Place of Human Beings
What is the main non religious th...,
What is the big bang theory,
What is the evidence for the big ...
21  cards
Paper 1 Section 1 - Human Nature and the Human Condition
What is human nature,
What do christians associate with...,
What is augustine s view on human...
10  cards
Paper 1 Section 1 - Selfishness, Greed, Ignorance and Sin
What do most religions emphasize ...,
What is the common root cause att...,
How might seeking self interest s...
46  cards
Paper 1 Section 1 - Free Will, Determinism and Predestination
What is the concept of free will,
How do we express belief in free ...,
What is genetic determinism
21  cards
Paper 1 Section 1 - Ultimate Reality
What is ultimate reality,
How do humanists approach the con...,
What does buddhism teach about ul...
11  cards
Paper 1 Section 1 - The Problem of Evil and Suffering
What is the problem of evil and h...,
According to christian belief wha...,
How do christians perceive the si...
18  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - Sancity of Life, Abortion and Euthanasia
What do christians mean by the te...,
How do christians view human life...,
What event in the book of genesis...
57  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - Death and Life After Death
What did feuerbach propose about ...,
Why do believers in a loving god ...,
How do believers reconcile the pe...
42  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - The Meaning and Purpose of Life
How has christianity traditionall...,
According to st paul what will ha...,
How does st paul describe the tra...
24  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - Childlessness and Celibacy
What is a significant perspective...,
What are some other purposes ascr...,
How does the christian church emp...
73  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - Divorce and Remarriage
How do christians view marriage a...,
What vows do couples make during ...,
Why is marriage considered import...
28  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - Marriage and Partnerships
What are some of the diverse view...,
Why might it be difficult for som...,
How do some lesbian and gay chris...
13  cards
Paper 1 Section 2 - Family Structures and Responsibilities
How have attitudes towards marria...,
What are some factors contributin...,
How has effective contraception i...
29  cards
Paper 1 Section 3 - War and Conflict
How is the old testament often pe...,
What is an example of a prophet i...,
Who in the new testament supports...
67  cards
Paper 1 Section 3 - Peace, Reconciliation and Conflict
What do christians believe about ...,
What is the significance of forgi...,
What is the christian perspective...
9  cards
Paper 1 Section 3 - Bullying
What does the bible say about bul...,
How is bullying defined,
What is the christian approach to...
11  cards
Paper 1 Section 3 - Sin and Crime
Why do we need laws,
Why do we need justice,
What is alcohol
56  cards
Paper 1 Section 3 - Punishment
What is deterrence,
What are the benefits of deterrence,
What is protection
12  cards
Paper 1 Section 3 - Capital Punishment
What is capital punishment,
Who can use capital punishment,
What crimes are typically associa...
35  cards
Paper 1 Section 4 - Human Rights
What are human rights,
What specific human rights are co...,
How have ideas about human rights...
32  cards
Paper 1 Section 4 - Equal Rights
Who was mary wollstonecraft influ...,
What did harriet taylor believe w...,
Why did harriet taylor believe jo...
75  cards
Paper 1 Section 4 - Multi-ethnic Society
What was the significance of the ...,
How did the olympics contribute t...,
What factors contributed to the t...
20  cards
Paper 1 Section 4 - Multi-faith Society
What is one advantage of living i...,
How does living in a multi faith ...,
Why is freedom of religion import...
31  cards
Paper 1 Section 4 - Relationships Between Rich and Poor
What is absolute poverty,
What is relative poverty,
Define materialism
29  cards
Paper 2 Section 1 - Key Words
What is anatta,
Who is a bhikkhu bhikkuni,
What is a bodhisattva in mahayana...
16  cards
Paper 2 Section 1 - The Life of the Buddha
Who is known as the buddha,
What is the meaning of the name s...,
Where was siddhartha gautama born
42  cards
Paper 2 Section 1 - The Example of the Buddha
What is the parable of the raft a...,
Can you summarize the basic story...,
How does the man in the parable o...
18  cards
Paper 2 Section 1 - Buddhist Scriptures
What is another name for the pali...,
What are the three parts of the p...,
What is contained in the vinaya p...
21  cards
Paper 2 Section 1 - The Sangha
Why is the sangha important,
What are the three refuges in bud...,
What does it mean to go for refug...
32  cards
Paper 2 Section 2 - Key Words
What is kapilavastu,
What is kushinagar
8  cards
Paper 2 Section 2 - Festivals and Celebrations
What opportunities do buddhist fe...,
Are buddhist festivals universal ...,
What is the significance of wesak...
61  cards
Paper 2 Section 3 - Key Words
What is a buddharupa,
What is chanting,
What is dependent arising
15  cards
Paper 2 Section 3 - Worship and Practice
What is the most important part o...,
What do people do in the shrine r...,
What does the dharma wheel represent
121  cards

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