This class was created by Brainscape user Malak Hamidh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Cell Biology
What is cell theory,
What do all cells have,
What are the exceptions of cell t...
168  cards
Plant Biology
What do the spongy mesophyll cell...,
Which is the main organ for photo...,
Where does photosynthesis mainly ...
119  cards
Cell Respiration
What is cell respiration,
What is respiration catalysed by,
Which cells perform cell respiration
48  cards
What was the theory of vitalism,
What falsifies vitalism,
What do living organisms consist of
39  cards
What is photosynthesis,
What are the two type of reaction...,
Which reaction is dependent on which
29  cards
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Enzymes
Which elements do carbohydrates c...,
What are monosaccarides,
What is a disaccharide
139  cards
DNA part 1
What are the two types of nucleic...,
What is the subunit of dna and rna,
Draw a nucleotide and label it fully
23  cards
DNA part 2
What are histones,
Describe the function of histones,
What does the association of hist...
43  cards
What is a gene,
What do most genes code for,
What is the gene locus
100  cards
Define genotype,
Define phenotype,
What are the two modes of inherit...
58  cards
Evolution and Biodiversity
What does evolution mean,
What is a gene pool,
What is the frequency of an allele
88  cards
Define species,
Define habitat,
Define population
51  cards
What do neurons do,
What are nerve impulses,
Draw the structure of neurons
23  cards
What are hormones,
What hormones are secreted by the...,
What hormones are secreted by the...
57  cards
Sexual reproduction
What are ovaries and testes called,
What determines the sex in males,
What does testosterone do
69  cards
Muscles and Movement
Skeletal system,
Muscular system,
When do muscles exert a force
34  cards
What did william harvey discover ...,
What is double circulation,
17  cards
Label the heart diagram,
Why does the heart have a thick m...
42  cards
Why do we ventilate,
Where does gas exchange happen
40  cards
Examples of plasma proteins,
45  cards
22  cards
Kidney structure
14  cards
48  cards
Hepatic artery,
Hepatic portal vein
14  cards
Nucleic Acids
Describe franklins and wilkinss i...,
What did they deduce about the st...,
Describe hershey and chase experi...
41  cards

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ib hl biology

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