This class was created by Brainscape user Katelyn Arrington. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Spanish Colonies
Where did gold come from,
Where did gold mostly go to,
Which was bigger spains empire or...
12  cards
French Colonies
Where were the french colonies in...,
Did a lot of people immigrate to ...,
What did cardinal richelieu do
6  cards
Dutch Colonies
Why did the dutch want to explore...,
Who organized and oversaw all dut...,
How did the dutch settlers make m...
6  cards
British Colonies
What part of north america did th...,
What were the brit s two main obj...,
How did the colony virginia make ...
4  cards
Native American Societies before Contact
How did people arrive in the amer...,
When did europeans arrive in the ...,
How many people were in the ameri...
6  cards
Period 1 Vocab
Proclamation of 1753,
Writs of assistance,
End of salutary neglect
16  cards
The Chesapeake Vs. New England Colonies
Reason for coming,
King philips war
6  cards
Period 4 Study Guide
Election of 1800,
Chief justice of the supreme court,
Marbury v madison
27  cards
Period 2 and 3
French and indian war,
Benjamin franklin,
Continental congress
12  cards
Labor in The Gilded Age
What happened to the gap between ...,
Working conditions,
Types of people who were workers
15  cards
Unit 6 DBQ
4 reasons for becoming an empire,
Yellow journalism,
What ultimately led to war with s...
16  cards
Causes of the Great Depression
What were the causes of the great...,
Wages in the 1920s,
What caused public debt
17  cards
AP REVIEW: 1 & 2
Pre columbian era,
Where did the native americans co...,
Population of native americans wh...
35  cards
French and indian war seven years...,
Seven years war effect,
Pontiac s rebellion
16  cards
Cold Thoughts Flashcards
Cause of the cold war,
Iron curtain
22  cards
Trench warfare downsides,
Impacts of the war,
3  cards

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ib history of the americas

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