This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy Harris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Cellular Respiration
What are the three main pathways ...,
What is glycolysis,
Name the two phases of glycolysis...
8  cards
Divisions of the nervous system and neural pathways
What does the central nervous sys...,
What does the peripheral nervous ...,
Describe and explain what the som...
10  cards
The cerebral Cortex
What is the cerebral cortex,
List the localised areas of the c...,
What does the left central hemisp...
4  cards
What is the nature of memory,
What are the information pathways...,
What is sensory memory
12  cards
Cells of the nervous system and neurotransmitters at synapses
What is a neuron,
What are neurons made up of,
What does the myelin sheath do
27  cards
Non-Specific Body Defences
What is a pathogen,
What is an antigen,
What is the difference between a ...
10  cards
Specific cellular defences against pathogens
What are lymphocytes,
What are the two types of lymphoc...,
How do lymphocytes bind to antige...
16  cards
How is immunity developed,
What are antigens,
Explain what an adjuvant is and w...
15  cards
Division and differentiation in human cells
What is a somatic cell,
How do somatic cells divide,
What are germline cells
13  cards
Structure and replication of DNA
What is the genetic code,
When does dna replication occur,
What does dna replication require
13  cards
Gene expression
What is gene expression,
Describe the structure of rna,
What are the three types of rna
13  cards
What is a mutation,
What is involved in a single gene...,
What are examples of single gene ...
19  cards
Human genomics
What is the genome,
What is the genome made up of,
What is genomic sequencing
7  cards
Metabolic Pathways
What are metabolic pathways,
What are two reactions within the...,
What happens in an anabolic reaction
10  cards
Gamete production and fertilisation
What is the male gamete and where...,
Where is testosterone produced,
What are two functions of testost...
8  cards
Hormonal control of reproduction
Where are hormones released by at...,
What hormones are released,
How is puberty triggered
15  cards
The biology of controlling fertility
Describe the fertility of men,
Describe the fertility of women,
How can you tell a women is ovula...
17  cards
Antenatal and postnatal screening
What is antenatal and postnatal s...,
Why is antenatal screening done,
What are the names of the ultraso...
29  cards
The structure of arteries, veins and capillaries
What happens to the blood pressur...,
What happens during vasoconstriction,
What happens during vasodilation
10  cards

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human biology

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