human anatomy from hell

This class was created by Brainscape user Summer Oakes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

directional and locating terms
In front of toward the frontal su...,
Towards the back of in back of,
Closer to the head
20  cards
chapter 1 and 2 for idiots
Axial region,
Appendicular region,
Head 2 reigons
191  cards
reproductive videos 1 and 2
Primary sex organs for both repro...,
The cells that gonads produce,
Female gametes
45  cards
reproductive video 3
Other names for the uterine tubes,
What specific part of the broad l...,
What is the inside of the uterus ...
41  cards
chapter 3 perhaps?
What is the science concerned wit...,
Some adults have extra bones w in...,
What are the extra bones w in the...
93  cards
reproductive video 4
The four structures that support ...,
The round ligaments run through t...,
The transverse cervical ligaments...
17  cards
skeleton :0
What is in the axial skeleton,
What is in the appendicular skeleton,
How many cranial bones are there ...
57  cards
muscles of the head & neck
36  cards
muscles that act on the pectoral girdle
What is the origin of the serratu...,
What is the insertion of the serr...,
Action of the serratus anterior
15  cards
muscles that act on the forearm
Origin of biceps brachii,
Insertion of biceps brachii,
Action of biceps brachii
9  cards
muscles of respiration
Origin of diaphragm 4,
Insertion of diaphragm,
Action of diaphragm
11  cards
The three types of structural joints,
The three types of functional joints,
The joint that lacks a joint cavi...
26  cards
wednesday muscles (muscles of the abdominal wall)
Origin of the external oblique,
Insertion of external obliques,
Actiono f external oblique
20  cards
stuff to know for lab quiz
The muscles of mastication,
Origin of biceps brachii,
Action of biceps brachii
23  cards
exam two cram
Causes of hyper kyphosis,
Causes of hyperlordosis,
Causes of scoliosis
174  cards
more and more muscles
What are the 2 anterior thoracic ...,
Origin of pec minor,
Insertion of pec minor
146  cards
nervous system
What is in the central nervous sy...,
What is in the peripheral nervous...,
What are ganglia
37  cards
What is the average volume of a h...,
What are the four major regions o...,
What are the folds in the brain c...
83  cards
exam 3 clinical views/supp articles
What does tendonitis come from,
What are neuromuscular diseases
129  cards
cranial nerves
What is the mneumonic for cranial...,
What is the mnemonic for the sens...,
What are the 12 cranial nerves
40  cards
spinal nerves
When does the spinal cord end,
What are the 5 parts of the spina...,
What is the tapering of the infer...
67  cards
reproductive videos for exam 3 (8-11)
What are the glands that produce ...,
Where is the breast milk stored p...,
What are the different types of t...
11  cards
lab quiz flashcards
What muscles make up the triceps ...,
What are the four contraindicatio...,
What is the average healing time ...
50  cards
What is the word for a state of e...,
What is the normal heart rate for...,
What is the cardiovascular system
29  cards
anatomy final clinical views/supp articles
What does a dissecting artery usu...,
What class of drugs is sometimes ...,
What are some triggers of arteria...
57  cards
circulatory system cont.
What is the anterior wrinkly ear ...,
What carries blood from the right...,
What is the thing between the atr...
102  cards
gross anatomy
What are the brow bones called,
What is the outer ear called,
What are the eyelids called
14  cards
random stuff for final
In fetuses the blood pressure in ...,
How many arteries and veins does ...,
Oxygenated blood from the placent...
39  cards

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human anatomy from hell

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