This class was created by Brainscape user Sasha Kanivets. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Chapter 1: Anatomical Terminology
Macroscopic gross anatomy
113  cards
Chapter 2: Microscope / Cytology
Resolving power resolution,
Ocular lens eyepiece eye tube
47  cards
Chapter 3: Histology
What are the 4 major categories o...,
All multicellular organisms begin...,
What are the 3 primitive germ layers
95  cards
Chapter 4: Membranes/Integument
What is the function of membranes,
What are the 4 types of membranes
58  cards
Skeletal system/Skull bones
The skeletal system is made of,
Function of skeletal system
201  cards
Axial Skeleton: Vertebral column
What are the 5 regions of the ver...,
Cervical vertabrae,
Thoracic vertebrae
42  cards
Appendicular skeleton: upper extremity
Identify this bone,
Identify 2 sides of this bone how...,
What bone is this
53  cards
Appendicular skeleton: lower extremity
Coxal bone,
Iliac crest
51  cards
True or false all cartilaginous j...,
The sacrum in an adult can be fun...,
The fluid filled sacs cushioning ...
63  cards
Muscular system
There are over ______ skeletal mu...,
What are the 3 types of muscle ti...,
What are some characteristics of ...
95  cards
Identify this muscle,
The only body tissue that is cons...,
Identify this muscle tissue
32  cards
Skeletal muscle- lower extremity
Gluteus maximum origin insertion ...,
Gluteus medius,
Gluteus minimus
29  cards
Skeletal muscle- upper extremity
What are the 3 primary groups of ...,
Arm movers,
31  cards
Skeletal muscle: Trunk
Levator scapulae,
Rhomboid major
23  cards
Digestive system
159  cards
Urinary system
Urinary system purpose,
The three layers of smooth muscle...,
94  cards
Respiratory system
The visceral pleura covers the,
An area common to both the respir...,
Which structure is the last small...
75  cards
Reproductive system
How many people are intersex,
Reproductive systems have primary...
172  cards
Cardiovascular system/ vessels
Functions components of blood,
What are the 2 major body fluid c...,
215  cards
Nervous system
On a basic level the nervous syst...,
Nervous system is composed of,
Nervous system functions specific
204  cards
Special senses
Eyes use _____________ to help fo...,
What are the functions of the acc...,
Eye s accessory structures include
104  cards
Cumulative Final Review
Anatomical position and specific ...,
The inside of the elbow a common ...,
Cutting a coronal frontal section...
176  cards

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human anatomy

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