This class was created by Brainscape user Finlay Newton-Howes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Anitomical position and movement
remeber key terms
11  cards
muscular system
List the functions of the skeleton,
What are the two bone types,
Characteristics of compact bone
19  cards
bone structures
What type of tissue is bone what ...,
What are the two types of materia...,
Discribe organic bone material
16  cards
Bone development and joints
What happens at 6 weeks into fetu...,
What is endochostal,
How does the bone grow in width
21  cards
synovial joints
What are the 7 types of synovial ...,
Name the function of the synovial...,
Name the function of the synovial...
13  cards
lab 1 terms
Name the 6 sections of the skull,
What are the three parts of the hip,
Name the sections in the pubis
15  cards
What is the diffrence between dif...,
What causes osmosis pressure in a...,
Describe isotonichypertonic hypot...
12  cards
muscle excitation contraction
What are the three main types of ...,
Describe the jobs of skeletal mus...,
Describe the size scale of muscle...
14  cards
gross muscle structs
What are the bone lever classes,
How can muscle fibers be arranged...,
What are the three types of muscl...
16  cards
gates cycle and walking
How does the line of gravity effe...,
Describe early stance,
Describe mid stance
7  cards
Neuro structure
What are the 5 parts of a neuron,
What are the 4 zones of a neuron,
How are singals passed between ne...
20  cards
Neuro physiology
What are the types of gated channels,
Where are the different types of ...,
How is the concentration grandien...
14  cards
The brain :0
What are the 4 brain lobes function,
What are the 3 types of white mat...,
What are the sections in the midd...
9  cards
Complex movements and reflex
What is the pathway of informatio...,
What is the function of the cereb...,
Define a difference between how t...
8  cards
Sensory information
What are the 5 types of sensors u...,
Define the three different types ...,
What is the reflex pathway for a ...
9  cards
Endocrine homeostaiss
What are the three types of infor...,
What is the system of event in a ...,
What are the system of events in ...
8  cards
Glucose and Ca homeostasis
What is the name for high and low...,
Why does the body need ca and glu...,
What are ca entraces and exits to...
10  cards
The pituitory gland
What is the link between the pitu...,
What are the 5 homes released fro...,
What is the function of oxitosin ...
8  cards

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hubs 191

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