horse systems and management

This class was created by Brainscape user Brooke Appelbaum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

History of the Horse
Give the scientific name of the t...,
Give the zoological classificatio...,
What does perissodactyla the orde...
51  cards
History of the Horse in the US
Where is the horse believed to ha...,
Did any of the original horses fr...,
By 1547 how many horses did the f...
49  cards
Define breeds as related to horses,
What does breeding true mean,
Do color breeds breed ture
132  cards
Anatomy- Bones, Tendons, and Ligaments
What is the horse equivalent of o...,
What is the horse equivalent of o...,
List the 3 major joints in the lo...
43  cards
Equine Reproduction
What is the female germ cell called,
Where is the ovum produced and nu...,
What does it mean when an ovum is...
96  cards
Equine Reproduction Part 2
Where do the 2 sets of hormones t...,
What 2 estrous cycle repro hormon...,
What does fsh stimulate in the ov...
49  cards
Stallion-Reproductive Anatomy
What does a stallion s reproducti...,
What is each testis suspended by 2,
What are the 3 accessory sex glands
63  cards
Semen Collection and Evaluation
What are the 4 common breeding sc...,
Describe hand mating,
Describe pasture mating
49  cards
What is conformation,
What does form and function deter...,
What are 3 general aspects of a h...
64  cards
Unsoundness of the Respiratory Tract
What is the most common current n...,
What was heaves first called then...,
What is one of the most common re...
64  cards
What is a parasite,
What are endoparasites,
Where do endoparasites live when ...
61  cards
Horse TPR
What is the average rectal temper...,
What is the average rectal temper...,
What factors can affect the recta...
9  cards
Endoparasites pt. 2
Give an example of a threadworm s...,
In what animals are stongyloides ...,
How do foals pick up strongyloide...
69  cards
Infectious Diseases and Vaccinations
What is used to maintain healthy ...,
What 4 things does a vaccination ...,
What is meant by a closed environ...
173  cards
Equine Nutrition and Feeding Management
How is a horse classified in term...,
List and describe the function of...,
What 4 parts make up the foregut
176  cards
Coat Color Genetics
What kind of trait is coat color ...,
What are the 2 starting point opt...,
How are genes named 2
119  cards
Exam 1 Review
List and briefly describe the 3 s...,
Describe the similarities and dif...,
When was the morrill land grant p...
33  cards
Exam 2 Review
What is the vomeronasal organ des...,
Describe the hormonal changes tha...,
How is s vulgaris damaging to the...
29  cards

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horse systems and management

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