hormones & behaviors

This class was created by Brainscape user Zoe Gardiner. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Lec 1: The central nervous system
Communication systems inthe body,
Anotomical organization of the ne...,
Peripheral nervous system
38  cards
Lec 2: Research methods in hormones and behaviors
Behavioral endocrinology,
The effects of hormones are notab...,
Historical roots of behavioral en...
37  cards
Lec 3: Introduction the the endocrine system
Defenition of hormones,
Ex double action of theepinephrin...,
Forms of chemical communication
61  cards
Lec 4: Hormones and typical and atypical sexual development
What are the levels of sex determ...,
Why sex differences exist,
Why sex dimorphic behaviours exist
41  cards
Lecture 5: Hormones involved in Parental and Social Behavior
Main hormones associated with par...,
Main hormones associated with par...,
Main hormones associated with par...
60  cards
Lecture 6: Stress and Hormones
Review of transcription and genet...,
Stress and its consequences,
Main questions in the behavior en...
51  cards
Lecture 7: Hormones and Feeding Behaviour
What is motivation,
How do we regulate motivated beha...,
Why do we eat to meet the needs o...
66  cards
Lecture 8: Reproductive Behavior and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Definition sexual behaviours,
Definition sex drive libido,
Definition physiological costs
41  cards
Lecture 9: Early life adversity, hormones mood
Affective disorders and different...,
Research papers,
Harlow research 1959
25  cards
Lecture 10: Stress - Epigenetics, neuroalterations and mental health
Early life adversities can alter ...,
Romania s tragic example of negli...,
Documentary romanian orphanages
56  cards
Lecture 11: Hormones and Cognition
Components of learning and memory,
Components of learning and memory,
Psychological components of learn...
16  cards

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hormones & behaviors

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