This class was created by Brainscape user philip stringer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Unit 1
What is the common definition of cam,
If the therapy is used in additio...,
If a therapy is used outside conv...
27  cards
Unit 2
Name the factors that can create ...,
What are four questions to ask fo...,
Why is it difficult from a scient...
58  cards
unit 3
What is the reasoning for deeper ...,
What is the fundamental tenants o...,
What can mind body therapy be use...
131  cards
Unit 4
What arts are included under arts...,
What is creativity in arts therapy,
What is creative arts therapy and...
87  cards
Unit 5
What is magnets therapy,
What is most popular with magneti...,
What are reiki therapeutic touch ...
31  cards
Unit 6
What does massage therapy target ...,
Where can pressure from massage t...,
What can fascial entrapment produ...
107  cards
unit 7
Describe the concept of yin and yang,
Describe qi,
How is traditional acupuncture ca...
65  cards
Unit 8
How is chiropractic care viewed i...,
What type of training is needed f...,
What is the difference between os...
39  cards
Unit 9
How are homeopathic medications r...,
What is the principle of homeopathy,
What does the definition of natur...
57  cards
unit 10
What is herbalism,
What is the fundamental principle...,
What is an herbalist
67  cards
unit 11
Nutrition information intended fo...,
Briefly describe canadas food guide,
What are the dietary reference in...
51  cards
unit 12
What is homeopathy,
What does a symptom represent in ...,
Explain the vital force concept o...
43  cards
unit 13
What has aromatic plants incense ...,
What is the licensing of aromathe...,
How is aromatherapy in canada dif...
36  cards
unit 14
What are some of the reasons canc...,
What are the two groups of cam th...,
What does the research say overal...
36  cards
unit 15
How is health seen by natives,
What type of symbols are used by ...,
What does the medicine wheel symb...
33  cards
unit 16
What is edta,
What does edta bind,
How does it exit the body
20  cards
unit 17
Where did iridology originate from,
What is the theory of iridology,
How does the iridologist use thei...
18  cards
overview to work on
Describe how energies and forces ...,
Describe how self healing could a...,
Describe how holistic could attra...
76  cards
therapeutic touch
Describe how a therapeutic touch ...
1  cards

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hlst 301

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