history; world war one: causes of ww1

This class was created by Brainscape user liv s. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The Alliance System
0  cards
The Triple Alliance
What are the central powers,
When was the dual alliance formed...,
When did italy join the dual alli...
8  cards
The Triple Entente
When was the franco russian allia...,
Why was the franco russian allian...,
When was the entente cordiale formed
6  cards
Effects of the Alliance System
What happened as a result of the ...,
What did the triple entente incre...,
What was a result of the fear of ...
4  cards
Anglo-German Rivalry
0  cards
Tension Increase Between Britain and Germany
What was kaiser wilhelm ii s fore...,
What did welpolitik involve,
What was britain s aim with its r...
4  cards
Consequences of the Rivalry
When did wilhelm begin to expand ...,
What was the new class of battles...,
Why was a dreadnought a better ba...
10  cards
Pre-War Colonial Crises
0  cards
First Moroccan Crisis
When was the first moroccan crisis,
Why was germany building up its a...,
What the kaiser keen to do
13  cards
The Bosnian Crisis
When was the bosnian crisis,
Who controlled most of the countr...,
What did serbia do during turkey ...
14  cards
Second Moroccan Crisis
When did a rebellion take place i...,
What was the cause of the rebellion,
What was the kaiser s response to...
13  cards
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the July Crisis
0  cards
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
To what throne was the archduke f...,
Why did,
Who opposed the idea of austria h...
10  cards
The July Crisis
What was the consequence of the a...,
Why was the assassination signifi...,
3  cards

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history; world war one: causes of ww1

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