history- tudors edward vi

This class was created by Brainscape user Winnie FEY. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

What was Edwards background like?
How could edward cause instability,
What could be a result of edward ...,
How did edward come to the throne
13  cards
The later years of Henry VIIIs reign
Who were england s enemies,
Why did england fear scotland,
What was france and spain s relat...
24  cards
What were Somerset's religious changes?
What were the religious aims,
What were the religious changes t...,
What does horrible cranmer screwe...
22  cards
Western Rebellion and Kett's Rebellion (Somerset)
Why was there a rising in devon a...,
Why was there a rising in devon a...,
Who was william body and what hap...
65  cards
How serious were the social and economic problems in the mid-Tudor period under Somerset?
What social and economic problems...,
What challenges were faced,
When did prices start rising and ...
18  cards
Somersets rise and fall from power
What was the council system of go...,
Who emerged as the leader of the ...,
How did somerset earn his reputation
20  cards
What religious changes did Northumberland introduce?
Who was northumberland,
When did northumberland become lo...,
What struggles for power did he face
11  cards
How successful was the Edwardian Reformation?
Where was the majority of support...,
What was the level of acceptance ...,
How successful was government enf...
18  cards
The Lady Jane Grey affair/The Succession Plot
When was the 3rd act of successio...,
What was edwards succession,
How was the will changes
4  cards
Edward's death
When did edward fall ill,
What illness did he have,
Why was it no immediate threat
8  cards

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history- tudors edward vi

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