history - the making of modern britain, 1951-2007

This class was created by Brainscape user Ally Butterfield. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Cons 1951-64: 1 Lab defeat, Con victory 1951
When did attlee lose office,
How many seats did cons and lab w...,
Why was the 1951 election a stran...
5  cards
Cons 1951-64: 2 Churchill and Eden govs 1951-7
When was churchill pm,
What were some important developm...,
Who was butler during 1951 5
31  cards
Cons 1951-64: 3 key debate
Did eden have majority support fo...
1  cards
Cons 1951-64: 4 Macmillan's gov 1957-63
When was macmillan in office,
How much debt did the suez milita...,
When was the homicide act introdu...
47  cards
Cons 1951-64: 5 Britain and Europe
How was the eec created,
Who were the six,
What does eec stand for
13  cards
Cons 1951-64: 6 Cons last year in gov 1963-4
What was the vassall inquiry 1963,
What was the kim philby case in 1963,
What was the argyll divorce case ...
12  cards
Cons 1951-64: 7 Labour party 1951-64
What was an example of gaitskell ...,
What did the bevanites want,
What did unilateralists believe
9  cards
Years of Concensus 1964-79: 1 Wilson's gov 1964-70
When was wilson in office,
What were the results of the 1964...,
How did wilson appear to the publ...
34  cards
Years of Concensus 1964-79: 2 Heath's gov 1970-4
When was heath in office,
What did heath declare when he be...,
What was heath s nickname and wha...
21  cards
Years of Concensus 1964-79: 3 Labour in office 1974-9
What were the 3 key problems labo...,
What was labour s average majorit...,
What was the lib lab pact
32  cards
Years of Concensus 1964-79: 4 Britain's relations with China and USSR
What was the cultural revolution,
What does prc stand for,
What was the aim of the london ep...
7  cards
Years of Concensus 1964-79: 5 British policies in Northern Ireland 1969-79
When did formal links with irelan...,
What was the 1921 treaty,
Which religion was predominant in ni
28  cards
Years of Concensus 1964-79: 6 Social developments
How did television develop in the...,
How did aerospace develop in the ...,
How did chemicals develop in the ...
31  cards
Thatcher Revolution 1979-90: 1 Thatcherism: the first stage
What kind of politician was thatcher,
When did thatcher come to power,
What is a free market
16  cards
Thatcher Revolution 1979-90: 2 Falklands War 1982
How did the falklands war aid tha...,
What were the reasons for the fal...,
What percentage of islanders wish...
11  cards
Thatcher Revolution 1979-90: 3 Miner's strike 1984-5
What was the crisis in the coal i...,
What was thatcher s case for clos...,
What was the miners case against ...
12  cards
Thatcher Revolution 1979-90: 4 Thatcherism: the second stage
What is supply side economics and...,
What were the chief policies of d...,
Introduction of the right to buy
20  cards
Thatcher Revolution 1979-90: 5 Foreign affairs and Ireland
What were thatcher s concerns wit...,
What was the issue of federalism,
Why was thatcher hostile to brita...
24  cards
Thatcher Revolution 1979-90: 6 Labour during the Thatcher years
What were labour s main issues wh...,
Labour and tony benn,
When was the sdp formed and who w...
6  cards
New Labour 1990-2001: 1 the fall of Thatcher 1990
What policy arguably led to the d...,
What did opinion polls in april 1...,
Why was heseltine resentful towar...
6  cards
New Labour 1990-2001: 2 Thatcher's legacy
What are the key features of that...,
What are some examples of thatche...,
A woman but not a sister explain ...
6  cards
New Labour 1990-2001: 3 key debate
Why is thatcherism so challenging...,
What are the various ways thatche...
2  cards
New Labour 1990-2001: 4 John Major's gov 1990-7
When was john major pm,
What was major like personally,
What was one of the most popular ...
32  cards
New Labour 1990-2001: 5 New Labour 1994-7
Where did the term new labour com...,
What was believed by the public a...,
What was the new labour programme
9  cards
New Labour 1990-2001: 6 Tony Blair's first administration 1997-2001
Who was chancellor of the exchequer,
What authority was given to the b...,
What is devolution
24  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 1 Elections of 2001 and 2005
Results of the 2001 election,
What were labour s strengths for ...,
What were the conservative s weak...
6  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 2 The new deal continued 2001-7
What was the police reform act 2002,
What was the repeal of section 28...,
What was the civil partnership ac...
6  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 3 New Labour and the economy
How did the economy change under ...,
How did brown build up reserves o...,
What is the savings ratio
9  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 4 Tony Blair and Europe
What is the third way,
What did the eu think of the thir...,
What was blair s intention for eu...
11  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 5 Tony Blair and Ireland
How did 9 11 aid the peace process,
What did the ira announce on 28 j...,
How did demography population ana...
8  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 6 Tony Blair, the USA and Iraq
What was 9 11,
What was blair s reaction to 9 11,
What was the blair doctrine
12  cards
New Labour, New Century 2001-7: 7 Population change and social issues
0  cards

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history - the making of modern britain, 1951-2007

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