history - paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Daisy Barker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

edward jenner '1796
Explain smallpox 3,
Define inoculation,
12  cards
robert koch '1882
What did he create vaccines for,
Who s work did he use and prove,
What did he identify
9  cards
florence nightingale '1854
What was the nursing like before ...,
When did britain go to war with r...,
Why was nightingale able to convi...
14  cards
ww1 xrays '1895
What could the xrays be used to find,
What happened with their use by t...
4  cards
blood transfusions '1901
Name the 3 blood groups,
Name and explain the 3 main probl...,
How many litres of blood does the...
12  cards
the battles of ypres 1914-18
When was the first battle of ypres,
What happened during the first ba...,
When was the second battle of ypres
9  cards
medical and nursing services '1914
What does ramc stand for,
Who were the ramc,
What did the ramc consist of
16  cards
the battle of somme '1916
How long did the battle go on for,
What was the purpose of the battle,
July 1st 1916
7  cards
medical techniques '1916
When was the thomas splint invented,
What did the thomas splint do,
What did the thomas splint drop t...
15  cards
the battle of arras '1917
How many were killed and wounded,
The terrain 4,
The arras underground hospitals 2
4  cards
the battle of combrai '1917
What did the british do,
Why did the british send in their...,
What happened after the british s...
6  cards
the nhs '1944
Who was in charge of establishing...,
What did aneurin bevan believe in,
Where did aneurin bevan grow up
13  cards
dna and disease '1950s
When was dna first discovered,
Who studied dna,
What did the dna studies produce
4  cards
weapons and wounds of ww1
Bolt action rifles,
Machine guns,
16  cards
the evacuation chain in ww1
What was the order for the evacua...,
Stretcher bearers
21  cards
ww1 surgery
What did koch discover for antise...,
Define antiseptic,
Define aseptic
14  cards
medical problems in the trenches
How much of the army was infected...,
What did trench foot cause,
What happened if trench foot was ...
19  cards
magic bullets
What was a magic bullet,
Who was paul ehrlich and what did...,
What did sahachiro restest
7  cards
medieval england c1250-1500
When was the black death,
Name the 3 symptoms for the black...,
What was expected to cause the bl...
18  cards
renaissance period c1500-1700
When did the power of the church ...,
What were the same ideas about th...,
What were some new medical ideas ...
29  cards
18th and 19th century in Britain c1700-1900
Who discovered antiseptics,
When were antiseptics discovered,
What did the death rate for surge...
23  cards
1  cards

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history - paper 1

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