history - nazi germany

This class was created by Brainscape user Eva Khonji. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

***Establishing a dictatorship
When did hitler become chancellor,
When was the reichstag fire,
What was the outcome of the reich...
24  cards
***Nature of Nazi government, 1934-39
What were hitler s titles,
How is the nazi government struct...,
Which chancellory had more power
36  cards
Economic recovery, 1933-36
What was hitler s main economic a...,
Who was the finance minister duri...,
How many people were unemployed i...
13  cards
Creating a command economy, 1936-39
Who was in charge of the second f...,
What is a command economy,
Why did germany initiate the seco...
16  cards
Living standards
By how much did wages for industr...,
What did the strength through joy...,
Why did wages rise for industrial...
18  cards
The War Economy
Why was the office of the 4yp not...,
Who was minister for armaments an...,
Who replaced todt as armaments mi...
18  cards
***Nazi racial policies, including the Final Solution
Which groups of people were ostra...,
What happened to hitler s politic...,
Which group were the first to be ...
33  cards
***Government in wartime, support for the government
Why was the government in a state...,
What evidence is there that hitle...,
Who was the public face of the na...
11  cards
What did the nazis provide to wom...,
How many women had left their job...,
How did the law to reduce unemplo...
63  cards
***Nazi education
What was the aim for education in...,
Between what ages was education c...,
What happened to the lander and t...
39  cards
Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany
Why was there little army opposit...,
Give 3 examples of groups who act...,
Give 3 examples if groups who exp...
17  cards
Censorship, repression and propaganda
What did goebbels inform to contr...,
What was the company for radios c...,
What was the result of the introd...
51  cards
0  cards

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history - nazi germany

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