history (modern)

This class was created by Brainscape user george baxter. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Britain Breadth 1: Reform Acts
In which year was the failure of ...,
What were the reasons motivations...,
What were the terms of pitt s pro...
27  cards
Britain Depth 1: Radical Reformers
When did the french revolution br...,
What happened as a result of the ...,
Who was the leading british conse...
47  cards
britain depth 2: chartism
What were the six aims of chartism,
What were some key factors that l...,
How was chartism created
19  cards
China Theme 1: establishing communist rule, 1949-57
What was the aftermath of the civ...,
What was the one party system cre...,
What were the features of the mas...
17  cards
China Theme 2: Agriculture and industry, 1949 to 1965.
How was the chinese economy regul...,
What was the sino soviet agreemen...,
What were the land reforms of 194...
13  cards
China theme 3: the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath 1966-76
What was the cult of mao,
What were the main features of th...,
What were the red guards
6  cards
China theme 4: social and cultural changes
How was chinese education before ...,
What was the role of education in...,
How was education improved under mao
21  cards
China: key figures
Lin biao,
2  cards
China: essay plans
How far was the hundred flowers c...,
How far were mao s agricultural p...,
How accurate is it to say that ma...
4  cards
Russia Theme 1: Communist government in the USSR, 1917–85
1  cards
Russia Theme 2: Industrial and agricultural change, 1917–85
0  cards
Russia Theme 3: Control of the people, 1917–85
0  cards
Russia Theme 4: Social developments, 1917–85
0  cards
Russia Theme 5: the fall of the USSR, c.1985–91
0  cards

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history (modern)

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