history - germany

This class was created by Brainscape user Ben G. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Germany an introduction
When was the first german reich,
When was the second reich establi...,
What was the structure of the sec...
16  cards
1918 Crisis
What is the context for 1918,
What happens in october and novem...,
6 facts for
3  cards
Weimar established
What is socialism,
What are the three socialist part...,
When was the spartacus league fou...
29  cards
Treaty Of Versailles
What was the context of the tov,
What were the key dates for tov,
Who was there tov
8  cards
Political Aftermath Of Treaty
1  cards
Post War Economy
Did germany have financial proble...,
Why would germany face financial ...,
What was the cost of war
7  cards
Impact Of The Reparations
What was the political impact of ...,
Who was joseph wirth,
What was the political impact of ...
5  cards
Social welfare
What is social welfare,
5 groups that need social welfare,
What was social welfare like in g...
6  cards
What happened with france and the...,
Ruhr invasion what did germany do,
Ruhr invasion what did france do ...
9  cards
Rise Of Political Extremisim
Why was political extremism growing,
What was the spartacist uprising,
What was the challenge from the r...
9  cards
Problems With Coalition Governments
Coalition gov a,
Coalition gov b,
Coalition gov c
3  cards
Who was gustavia stresemann,
What was the anger from the right,
Who was gustavia von kahr
8  cards
Dawn Of The Golden Age
Who was hjalmar schacht,
What are the 3 ways the economy s...,
4 pints about end of passive resi...
5  cards
The Dawes Plan 1924
How did germany try to fix the re...,
Who was charles dawes,
What were the terms of the dawes ...
7  cards
Economic Recovery And Hyperinflation
What helped the german economy 7,
How many strikes were there in 1924,
How many strikes were there in 1930
15  cards
Young Plan
Why did germany need the young plan,
What were the terms of the repara...,
What was the rights reaction to this
5  cards
Fufilment And Locarno
What was the rhineland pact,
What are the arbitration treaties
5  cards
What was the union of soviet soci...,
What were the similarities betwee...,
What was the rapallo treaty
7  cards
The Depression : Social Impact
How did poverty rise need 4 5 out...,
4 facts showing desperation was r...,
What was food like in the depression
8  cards
Appeal Of Communism
Why was there a surge in communis...,
What was the kpds ideology and po...,
How did the depression change the...
5  cards
Backstairs Intrigue
What was the political situation ...,
Who was part of hindenburgs inner...
2  cards
Disarmament And End Of Allied Occupation
How did the allies make sure germ...,
How did germany bend the rules,
What was the kellogg briand pact
3  cards
Jews In Weimar Germany
How many jews served in ww1,
How many jews in weimar republic,
Key facts about jews
4  cards
Weimar women and youth
What was the traditional view of ...,
What were qualities of the new woman,
Who were 2 women politicians
9  cards
Politics Of The Golden Age
Why might the golden age be calle...,
Rise of pro republicanism 1924,
Decline of far right political ex...
5  cards
Why is a new president needed,
Round 1,
Drop outs
8  cards
The Depression : Political Impact
Who was in the grand coalition,
How did the grand coalition collapse,
When did the grand coalition fall...
15  cards
The Depression : Economic Impact
What were the effects of the wall...,
How is germany hit,
What was the effect on industry
5  cards
Appeal Of Communism
3 statistics showing a surge in c...,
What was the ideology of communis...,
How did the depression change the...
5  cards
Appeal Of Nazism
Why did nazism appeal to people,
How did hitler funded his campaign,
What is power of the will
10  cards
Nazi Terror
0  cards

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history - germany

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