history - germany 1890 - 1945

This class was created by Brainscape user Nijan Kannathasan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

The Rise and unification of Germany
When did germany become a country...,
How many separate states where th...,
In medieval times what were the i...
31  cards
Overview of World War 1 ( Story board 1 of school book)
How kaiser wilhelm ii develop ger...,
How did kaiser wilhelm ii prevent...,
When was weltpolitik introduced
24  cards
How bad a state was Germany at the end of WW1?
How many widows were there due to...,
How many kids have no fathers social,
What happened with germany and it...
6  cards
The Weimar Constitution
Name the main parties in the weim...,
When was the weimar constitution ...,
Who was the weimar republics firs...
13  cards
Political Threats to the Weimar Republic: The Spartacists Uprising and the Kapp Putsch
What does putsch mean,
Who were the spartacists,
Who were the freikorps
15  cards
Treaty of Versailles and it's impact
How did the treaty of versailles ...,
Name 2 other reasons why the germ...,
What does trawl stand for
13  cards
The Paris Peace Conference
What was the paris peace conference,
What were the main countries in t...,
Where was it held
10  cards
France Invade Germany (Story Board 2)
Why did france invade germany,
What did france do after germany ...,
When did france invade germany
9  cards
WW2 Basic Information
Who is the german politician acti...,
Who is lundendorff,
When was the munich putsch
10  cards
Why did people vote for the Nazis?
How many seats did the nazi party...,
How many seats did the nazi party...,
How many seats did the nazi party...
10  cards
How Hitler become Chancellor?
Who was prime minister of germany...,
Who became chancellor in the 1930...,
Why did von papen not get the cha...
9  cards
The Wall Street Crash and it's impact
When was the wall street crash,
What was the wall street crash,
What was an impact to the wall st...
7  cards
Germany Golden age and Weimar Culture
Name a famous weimar painter,
What was the art movement called ...,
Name for era of opera in germany
4  cards
Parties of the Weimar Constitution
What is nationalism,
What is socialism,
What is another name for the nazi...
13  cards
How did Adolf Hitler become a dictator and consolidate power?
What hitler do to stop the rising...,
Who was appointed head of propaga...,
When was the reichstag fire
17  cards
The Night Of The Long Knives
What was the sa,
How many people were in the sa,
Who led the sa
9  cards
War with denmark,
War with austria,
War with france franco prussian war
36  cards

More about
history - germany 1890 - 1945

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